Data Platform/Systems/Iceberg/Migration Dependencies
(Redirected from Analytics/Systems/Cluster/Iceberg/Migration Dependencies)
DPE dependencies
- Archived CSV file generation - in the airflow job where the data is created
Superset Datasets Dependencies
- Accessible through this superset search (multiple data sources shown)
Other teams Dependencies
- ?
unique_devices (4 tables)
DPE dependencies
- Archived CSV files generation - in the airflow jobs where the data is created (4 jobs)
- Druid loading - dedicated airflow jobs
- Cassandra loading - dedicated airflow jobs
- GDI equity landscape - Manully launched airflow job
Superset Datasets Dependencies
- Accessible through this superset search (multiple data sources shown)
Other teams Dependencies
- ?
DPE dependencies
- None. No downstream dependencies (?)
Superset Datasets Dependencies
- None found in this superset search
Other teams Dependencies
- ?