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Obsolete:Labs Eqiad Migration/2014-02-12

From Wikitech


Present: Andrew, Mark, Diederik, Ryan Absent: Coren


  • Progress
  • Support contract
  • Planning
  • How to prepare for migration as a Labs user?


  • Overall good progress towards test migration, still a bunch of small issues left
  • Work pending: right now there are two wikitech -- each know about one cloud. this needs to be integrated. It has been tested in Labs.
  • We still want to have multiple labs infrastructures to ease future migrations and make testing easier.
  • Not super urgent to add new hardware to eqiad, there is enough capacity for the coming 6 months.
  • If networking gets worked out then test migration can start (early) next week
  • Everybody has some test instances to migrate (varnish, irc bot and some of ryan)

Action Items

  • Procure labs hardware for the new dc (Mark)
  • Mark will assist Andrew with networky things (Mark)
  • One more final reinstall of network node (Andrew B)
  • Only 256 internal ip ranges are allocated -- range needs to be expanded (Mark will do this before the end of the week) Yes Done
  • New bastion cluster also needs to be setup (Andrew B)
  • Follow-up with Canonical about support (Diederik) Yes Done