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Obsolete:Squid bandwidth breakdown

From Wikitech
(Redirected from Squid bandwidth breakdown)
This page contains historical information. It may be outdated or unreliable.

From a quick pass of a script on the new squid logging:

     upload    16910 hits ( 44.50%)        207940985 bytes ( 47.68%)    12296.9 bytes/hit
    article     7032 hits ( 18.51%)         88054495 bytes ( 20.19%)    12522.0 bytes/hit
  wikifiles     4053 hits ( 10.67%)         35837544 bytes (  8.22%)     8842.2 bytes/hit
  skins-css     3290 hits (  8.66%)         50503594 bytes ( 11.58%)    15350.6 bytes/hit
   skins-js     2177 hits (  5.73%)         39157553 bytes (  8.98%)    17986.9 bytes/hit
skins-image     2883 hits (  7.59%)          6570915 bytes (  1.51%)     2279.2 bytes/hit
      other     1655 hits (  4.36%)          8011526 bytes (  1.84%)     4840.8 bytes/hit

CSS and JS files together are eating about 20% of throughput in bytes, rivaling straight article views!

Application of mod_gzip should be able to pare that down...