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Analytics/Archive/Team/Office Hours

From Wikitech
This page contains historical information. It may be outdated or unreliable.

The Analytics Engineering Team will have office hours on the second Monday of every month. Join us in #wikimedia-analytics connect. Some topics we're happy to discuss, but we're open to suggestions and general questions:

  • Infrastructure: the storage and compute resources we have, and the technologies we support
  • Datasets: what's available now and what our plans and timelines are
  • Work: what our priorities are and how we see our work in context with the larger movement

We're going to be available starting at 15:00 UTC (16:00 CET, 10:00 EST, 07:00 PST), This is fairly early if you are west of the Rockies, so if you need a later meeting just let us know and we'll schedule an additional hour later in the day. We'll talk on IRC but are happy to use video/audio chat to go more in depth.

Process note: we should probably publish this on the engineering calendar or some other public calendar so we can get a publicly shareable link. Google Calendar doesn't seem to provide any other mechanism for sharing a single event.