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From Wikitech

ChartMuseum is an open-source Helm Chart Repository written in Go, with support for cloud storage backends like Swift.

It is used to store and serve Helm charts, which are packages of Kubernetes resources that are used to deploy apps to a Kubernetes cluster.

Interacting with ChartMuseum

Our stable repository is available at: https://helm-charts.wikimedia.org/stable/index.yaml (or as JSON: https://helm-charts.wikimedia.org/api/stable/charts)

For basic interaction with ChartMuseum, please see the API docs. For some tasks like packaging and uploading helm chart, there is helm-chartctl in the python3-docker-report package.

New charts/chart versions from operations/deployment-charts repository are packed and pushed to ChartMuseum every 2 minutes via systemd timers on the ChartMuseum nodes.

To add the stable repository to helm, use:

helm repo add wmf-stable https://helm-charts.wikimedia.org/stable/


ChartMuseum uses Swift as storage backend. It uses the "thanos-cluster", which is independent of Swift for media-storage and available at https://thanos-swift.discovery.wmnet. Data is replicated (without encryption) four times spanning codfw and eqiad (multi-region in Swift parlance) thus making the service fully multi-site.

If you need access to the storage directly, please see Swift/How_To#Individual_Commands_-_interacting_with_Swift. You will need to source /etc/swift/account_AUTH_chartmuseum.env and you will find the charts in the container: charts



Chartmuseum uses DNS/Discovery (dnsdisc=helm-charts) and is active/active by default.

If you need to do some work, you may depool one of the sites using confctl:

confctl --object-type discovery select 'dnsdisc=helm-charts,name=codfw' set/pooled=false

Delete Charts

We're running Chartmuseum with deletes (via the API) disabled. If you need to remove particular charts/chart versions from the registry, you can do that via swift directly. Changes will be picked up by the Chartmuseum instances after some time (~ 60s).

SSH to a swift thanos cluster frontend (thanos-fe1001):

# Source the chartmuseum swift credentials
source /etc/swift/account_AUTH_chartmuseum.env
# To list all charts in the registry
swift list charts
# Delete one or many charts with
swift delete charts stable/cluster-0.1.2.tgz stable/cluster-0.1.3.tgz ... ...


The code is hosted in operations/debs/chartmuseum and uses Git-buildpackage flow.

Importing a new version

The imported upstream tarballs should include the complete vendor directory.

  • Check out the version (git tag) to import
$ ./debian/repack vX.Y.Z
  • This drops you into a shell with the git tag checked out. Do necessary changes here and commit
$ go mod vendor
$ git add -f vendor
# git diff --name-status --cached | grep -v 'vendor/' to make sure you only changed vendor
$ git commit -m "added vendor"
  • Exiting the shell will build a tarball to import
$ gbp import-orig /path/to/tarball.tar.xz
  • Push changes (including the tag crated by gpb) to gerrit
$ git push gerrit --all
$ git push gerrit --tags
  • Rebuild the example config file
$ go run generate_config_example.go > usr/share/doc/chartmuseum/examples/chartmuseum.yaml
  • Add a debian/changelog entry (as CR)
$ gbp dch
# Edit debian/changelog
$ git commit
$ git review

Building a new version

  • Check out the git repo on the build host
  • Build the package
$ BACKPORTS=yes WIKIMEDIA=yes gbp buildpackage --git-pbuilder --git-no-pbuilder-autoconf --git-dist=buster -sa -uc -us


If you need to add/update patches, please see: https://honk.sigxcpu.org/projects/git-buildpackage/manual-html/gbp.patches.html
