Deployments/Risky change template
You have a patch that you feel might cause problems on deployment: now what?
Below is an example template to add as a comment on a Phabricator train blocker task to alert the deployers that there are risky patches riding the deployment train.
##### Risky Patch! 🚂🔥 * **Change**: * **Summary**: ** !! Why is it risky? !! * **Test plan**: ** !! How will it be verified? !! * **Places to monitor**: ** [Logstash: mediawiki-errors]( ** [Logstash: mediawiki-client-errors]( ** [Grafana: mediawiki-errors]( * **Revert plan**: !!Rollback train, or Revert patch, or …!! * **Affected wikis**: ```lines=10 testwiki test2wiki ``` * **IRC contact**: `your_name`, `someone_else` (timezone UTC+-??) * **UBN Task Projects/tags**: #your_team * **Would you like to backport this change rather than ride the train?**: Yes/No