Security Update
What do we do for these
Upgrading to a new LTS version
This happens every 2 years as we move onto the new LTS mediawiki version
January 2025 we moved from 1.39 to 1.43
1. Make a new branch
Branches are here,branches
Create new at the top right [is there anything else specific we need to do here]
There is a standard set of changes that need to be done to start a new branch
- Delete unused extensions and skins
- Add WMF logos
- Add Payments wiki extensions
- Update vendor for merged fundraising dependencies
2. Test locally
3. Get CI upgraded
[ was this actually related to the bookworm upgrade and not 143? need to confirm]
4. Get tests passing on CI
5. Deploying
- SRE changing fundraising_code_update to look at the new branch
- Doing the upgrade on staging
- Deploying to staging
rsync_blaster payments1008:payments-wiki-staging` but it's just as easy and clean to do ALL
- Testing on staging
- Doing the upgrade on production
- Testing on production
other things
from mediawiki last updated june 2020
How to apply a security update
- fetch the upstream LTS release with e.g. 'git fetch origin REL1_31'
- If you are on vagrant, you may have to edit your .gitconfig to allow fetching other branches - just deleting the 'fetch' section seems to work
- look at the changes with git diff origin/REL1_31 or git log -p HEAD..origin/REL1_31
- get a clean changelog with git log --oneline --reverse --no-merges HEAD..origin/REL1_31 | cat
- do the merge: git merge origin/REL1_31
- resolve any conflicts. Note that the fundraising version of the LTS release has images added and has a different set of submodules, so be sure the merge does not delete images or add or delete submodules.
- test locally!
- review, merge to fundraising/REL1_31 and deploy.
Upgrade scenarios
Schema upgrade required
- Confirm a recent database backup.
- Disable campaigns.
- Disable paymentswiki using LocalSettings variable.
- Update the code to the new release.
- Enable writability on the master wiki database (payments1001)
- Login to payments1001, cd to the wiki root directory, and run "php maintenance/run.php update".
- Reenable paymentswiki and test.
- Reenable campaigns.
- Watch logs for 1 hr.
Risky, but code-only changes
- Disable campaigns.
- Disable paymentswiki using LocalSettings variable.
- Update the code to the new release.
- Reenable paymentswiki and test.
- Reenable campaigns.
- Watch logs for 1 hr.
Safe, code-only changes
- Update the code to the new release.
- Watch logs for 1 hr.