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Fundraising/Data and Integrated Processes/Acoustic Integration/Scheduled Jobs

From Wikitech
Job title Job type Job name Frequency API Options used Notes
Get recipient data from Silverpop Import omnimail_recipient_load At every 10th minute. Omnirecipient.load mailing_prefix: sp (prepends 'sp' to mailing_idenfier)

limit :50000 (batch limit)




Throttle is a check to abort if db load is high - based on the number of contributions imported in the specified seconds.
Get mailings from Silverpop Import omnimail_mailing_load At minute 0 and 30 past every hour from 0 through 4 and every hour from 9 through 23. Omnimailing.load mail_provider:Silverpop

Implicitly, start_date:1 week ago

Implicitly, end_date:now

The statistics against the mailings change a little over time as people take a while before they open them (for example). The default job settings load the last week's mailings (over & over again until they age out). We run less frequent jobs to get the last 4 & 8 weeks to pull in any late breaking opens
Get group member data from Silverpop Import omnimail_groupmember_load At every 8th minute past every hour from 7 through 13. Omnigroupmember.load group_id:310 - civicrm group contacts are added to

group_identifier:18468760 - Acoustic group we fetch from

limit :10000 (batch limit)



Fetchs group members from Acoustic and puts them into CiviCRM. The Acoustic group is a search for contact without a contact ID and they are loaded to CiviCRM. We then update the contact ID back to acoustic in our exports and the contact falls out of the group.
Set on hold for emails we know not to be emailable due to bounce types from Silverpop Import actions omnimail_recipient_process_onhold At minute 5 and 35 past every hour from 0 through 4 and every hour from 9 through 23.
Unsubscribe contacts who have oped out in Silverpop from CiviCRM Import actions omnimail_recipient_process_unsubscribes At minute 5 and 35 past every hour from 0 through 4 and every hour from 9 through 23. Omnirecipient.process_unsubscribes mail_provider:Silverpop


Omnimail forget me job delete in Silverpop Forget me omnimail_recipient_process_forgetme At every 7th minute. Omnirecipient.process_forgetme mail_provider:Silverpop Processes requests to forget contacts by sending them to Acoustic
Check forget me Forget me omnimail_check_progress At every 20th minute. OmnimailJobProgress.check version=4 This (v4) api checks to ensure that Acoustic has reported successful completion of any forgetme requests it has been sent. An email is sent to fr-tech if it finds forget me jobs that have not cleared in a reasonable period of time.
Export silverpop_daily At 02:00 Calls silverpop_emails_build_export_files then the 2 upload jobs

- wmf-cv api4 --user=root -vv Omnicontact.upload - silverpop_emails_upload_files

This is the scheduled daily job
Silverpop emails - Build export files Export silverpop_emails_build_export_files Used ad hoc, not scheduled - Builds and exports the csv to be uploaded
Export silverpop_emails_export_only Used ad hoc, not scheduled - Only builds the silverpop DB & view
Silverpop emails - Upload files Export silverpop_emails_upload_files Used ad hoc, not scheduled - Only exports the files
Acoustic verifySnooze Snooze re_snooze 11.05 and 23.05 Omnicontact.verifySnooze chained to Omnicontact.create 200 days Checks that contacts that have snooze set in CiviCRM are still snoozed in Acoustic