Fundraising/Data and Integrated Processes/Acoustic Integration/Scheduled Jobs
Job title | Job type | Job name | Frequency | API | Options used | Notes |
Get recipient data from Silverpop | Import | omnimail_recipient_load | At every 10th minute. | Omnirecipient.load | mailing_prefix: sp (prepends 'sp' to mailing_idenfier)
limit :50000 (batch limit) throttle_number:3000 throttle_seconds:120 mail_provider:Silverpop |
Throttle is a check to abort if db load is high - based on the number of contributions imported in the specified seconds. |
Get mailings from Silverpop | Import | omnimail_mailing_load | At minute 0 and 30 past every hour from 0 through 4 and every hour from 9 through 23. | Omnimailing.load | mail_provider:Silverpop
Implicitly, start_date:1 week ago Implicitly, end_date:now |
The statistics against the mailings change a little over time as people take a while before they open them (for example). The default job settings load the last week's mailings (over & over again until they age out). We run less frequent jobs to get the last 4 & 8 weeks to pull in any late breaking opens |
Get group member data from Silverpop | Import | omnimail_groupmember_load | At every 8th minute past every hour from 7 through 13. | Omnigroupmember.load | group_id:310 - civicrm group contacts are added to
group_identifier:18468760 - Acoustic group we fetch from limit :10000 (batch limit) throttle_number:3000 throttle_seconds:120 |
Fetchs group members from Acoustic and puts them into CiviCRM. The Acoustic group is a search for contact without a contact ID and they are loaded to CiviCRM. We then update the contact ID back to acoustic in our exports and the contact falls out of the group. |
Set on hold for emails we know not to be emailable due to bounce types from Silverpop | Import actions | omnimail_recipient_process_onhold | At minute 5 and 35 past every hour from 0 through 4 and every hour from 9 through 23. | |||
Unsubscribe contacts who have oped out in Silverpop from CiviCRM | Import actions | omnimail_recipient_process_unsubscribes | At minute 5 and 35 past every hour from 0 through 4 and every hour from 9 through 23. | Omnirecipient.process_unsubscribes | mail_provider:Silverpop
rowCount=5000 |
Omnimail forget me job delete in Silverpop | Forget me | omnimail_recipient_process_forgetme | At every 7th minute. | Omnirecipient.process_forgetme | mail_provider:Silverpop | Processes requests to forget contacts by sending them to Acoustic |
Check forget me | Forget me | omnimail_check_progress | At every 20th minute. | OmnimailJobProgress.check | version=4 | This (v4) api checks to ensure that Acoustic has reported successful completion of any forgetme requests it has been sent. An email is sent to fr-tech if it finds forget me jobs that have not cleared in a reasonable period of time. |
Export | silverpop_daily | At 02:00 | Calls silverpop_emails_build_export_files then the 2 upload jobs
- wmf-cv api4 --user=root -vv Omnicontact.upload - silverpop_emails_upload_files |
This is the scheduled daily job | ||
Silverpop emails - Build export files | Export | silverpop_emails_build_export_files | Used ad hoc, not scheduled - Builds and exports the csv to be uploaded | |||
Export | silverpop_emails_export_only | Used ad hoc, not scheduled - Only builds the silverpop DB & view | ||||
Silverpop emails - Upload files | Export | silverpop_emails_upload_files | Used ad hoc, not scheduled - Only exports the files | |||
Acoustic verifySnooze | Snooze | re_snooze | 11.05 and 23.05 | Omnicontact.verifySnooze chained to Omnicontact.create | 200 days | Checks that contacts that have snooze set in CiviCRM are still snoozed in Acoustic |