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Fundraising/Data and flow/Monthly convert

From Wikitech


Monthly convert is a popup on payments wiki that asks the donor to start an additional recurring donation.

The first donation will go into civi as a one time donation. The donor will get a normal thank you email.

The monthly convert donation will send a new recurring donation to the recurring queue. This will be imported to civi as a new recurring donation with the start date one month in the future and the status as Pending. The donor will get a special monthly convert email.

Current Payment Methods (as of 2024-08-05)

Payment Processor Payment Method Pre Payment Monthly Convert Post Payment Monthly Convert
Adyen Credit/Debit Cards No Yes
Adyen Google Pay No Yes
Adyen Apple Pay No Yes
Adyen iDEAL Yes No
Adyen ACH No Yes
Adyen SEPA Yes No
Braintree Venmo Yes No
Paypal Paypal Yes No
dLocal Credit/Debit Cards No Yes (not India)
dLocal UPI India No

Current Countries (as of 2024-02-14)

An up to date list of current config is here: Enabled Monthly Convert Countries

Country Code Added
Austria AT
Austraila AU
Belgium BE
Brazil BR 2024-02-14
Canada CA
Chile CL 2024-02-14
Colombia CO 2024-02-14
Czechia CZ
Denmark DK
Spain ES
France FR
United Kingdom GB
Greece GR
Ireland IE
Israel IL
Italy IT
Japan JP
Luxembourg LU
Malaysia MY
Mexico MX 2024-02-14
Netherlands NL
Norway NO
New Zealand NZ
Peru PE 2024-02-14
Portugal PT
Sweden SE
United States US
Uruguay UY 2024-02-14


Current English monthly convert strings: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/plugins/gitiles/mediawiki/extensions/DonationInterface/+/refs/heads/master/gateway_common/i18n/interface/en.json

And the descriptions for the strings: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/plugins/gitiles/mediawiki/extensions/DonationInterface/+/refs/heads/master/gateway_common/i18n/interface/qqq.json


Monthly convert is turned on by country by $wgDonationInterfaceMonthlyConvertCountries in LocalSettings.php

$wgDonationInterfaceMonthlyConvertCountries = [ 'US' ];

here is the ref link for our MC rules:https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:FundraisingBanners/LocalizeData-2017.js

It is turned on by payment method in the Donation Interface adapter with getPaymentMethodsSupportingRecurringConversion


This is deployed with the payments-wiki project


When testing locally, after you make the donation and click yes on the monthly convert the queues need to be consumed in this order:

donations -> contribution tracking -> recurring

To force monthly convert in the url you can add debugMonthlyConvert=true