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npm registry

From Wikitech

The @wikimedia org on npmjs.com is used to publish Node.js packages for use outside production, such as dev packages used in CI and local development, and as one of the distribution methods of our general purpose libraries.

Access control

To help with access control, contact one of the group owners, which are as of January 2024:

  1. catrope
  2. edg2s
  3. jdforrester
  4. krinkle
  5. santhosh.thottingal
  6. volker_e

The preferred default group for newly invited members is developers.

Security admin as of January 2024: sbassett29.


To add an existing unprefixed package to the wikimedia org, log-in to npmjs.com as someone who is both a co-owner of that package and a member of the wikimedia org.

Via https://www.npmjs.com/settings/wikimedia/teams/, select a team, then under "Packages" for that team, you can "Add Existing Package".

See also