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This is the Room Alert 24ER.

Product Homepage

It is capable of monitoring 6 external leads, and a single internal temperature/humidity monitor.

Its FQD is envmon.pmtpa.wmnet. Its IP address is It can be configured via an HTTP interface, only accessible from our internal pmtpa vlan.

It is located in Rack B1, U41.

From testing, the internal sensor reads 0.45C / 0.81F hotter than a sensor probe directly on top of the Room Alert 24ER.

Sensor # Monitors Location
Internal Temperature & Humidity Back of B1, U41
1 Temperature & Humidity Front of A2, U22, Right Side.
2 Temperature Front of A4, U16, Right Side.
3 Temperature Temporarily on top of B3
4 Temperature Front of B3, U23, Right Side
5 Temperature Front of C2, U10, Right side
6 Temperature Front of C3, U43, Left side