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Obsolete:Labs Eqiad Migration/2014-02-05

From Wikitech


Present: Andrew, Mark, Marc, Faidon, Diederik Absent: Ryan

Date: Feb 5th 2014


  • update on Neutron migration
  • ubuntu support
  • mhoover


  • networking is not yet fully setup
  • written acres of puppet code, not yet clear if this is gonna work
  • it's complex -- too configurable :(
  • no useful defaults
  • nova-network will be deprecated so we do need to upgrade
  • faidon offered to help out
  • upgrading instances:
  • instances with public ip might require more handholding
  • private instances should be straightforward

Decisions / Actions

  • We continue with our plan of migrate and upgrade
    • however if neutron does not support our network setup then we will continue using nova-network for the foreseaable future
    • Hard call on Monday 12th going with neutron or sticking with nova network
  • Monthly notes are approved by members
  • Invites for Ubuntu meeting: Andrew & Coren