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Obsolete:MediaWiki deployment setup

From Wikitech
This page contains historical information. It may be outdated or unreliable.


  • wmf-deployment branch contains MediaWiki, extensions, and a few extra local files
  • wmf-config directory should hold most (but not *quite* all) custom files w/ config files
  • Additional local-subdirectories:
    • cache
      • where our .cdb files go for interwiki & trusted xff
    • lib
      • contains checkout of geshi
    • m
      • symlink to maintenance (can we put this in svn?)

The wmf-config directory now lives in a local svn repo. Don't forget to check in your changes!


For extra files still being pulled over see uncommitted files in live working copy.

Switching in use

  • live-1.5/MWVersion.php selects the actual source dir to be used.
    • (This was used in the 1.4->1.5 transition to have some wikis run from the old codebase until they were upgraded.)
    • (Also used to have test run from NFS. Test is currently running from wmf-deployment on NFS.)

Other things needing fix?

  • in docroots:
    • "skins-1.5" directory currently points to php-1.5 directly
  • in live-1.5:
    • "extensions" same

Consider better name than 'live-1.5' :)

May need to switch Apache configs when changing that

  • Many site scripts probably use /home/wikipedia/common/php-1.5 path explicitly
    • symlink or fix scripts?