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Obsolete:Memcached item lifetime

From Wikitech
Note: This page was created as a temporary pastebin and probably doesn't make any sense without its proper context

Results of "stats items" on srv21:11000

index               chunk size (B)      number              total size (MB)     age (hours)
6                   64                  1019                0.1                 3195.3
7                   128                 57344               7.0                 8.1
8                   256                 12287               3.0                 9.9
9                   512                 26623               13.0                9.8
10                  1024                20480               20.0                8.9
11                  2048                34816               68.0                8.5
12                  4096                14336               56.0                7.5
13                  8192                5887                46.0                6.8
14                  16384               1919                30.0                6.2
15                  32768               639                 20.0                7.7
16                  65536               128                 8.0                 5.9
17                  131072              39                  4.9                 9.3
18                  262144              8                   2.0                 8.1
19                  524288              2                   1.0                 4.3