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From Wikitech
This page contains historical information. It may be outdated or unreliable.

Pound is installed on dalembert, harris and friedrich. It's not in use, due to its high resource usage under conditions of high request rate and slow response time, a frequent event for Wikipedia. We're now using LVS instead. The abandoned installation is documented below.

The source tree is at /home/wikipedia/src/pound/Pound-1.9.3, the configure line is

CFLAGS=-O3 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local

Stopping, starting and restarting can be done in the usual way with /etc/init.d/pound, which was written by Tim. There's a master copy at /home/wikipedia/src/pound/pound-init

To configure, do the following on zwinger:

% cd /home/wikipedia/conf/pound
% vim pound.cfg.php
% ./sync-pound

The final step requires a root ssh key for login to dalembert. The PHP configuration generator uses /usr/local/dsh/node_groups/apaches for a node list, so make sure you run it on a machine where that file is available.