Portal:Cloud VPS/Admin/Runbooks/Kernel panic
Error / Incident
The server had a number of panic / error messages showing up in the dmesg kernel print buffer.
Depending on the error, you may want to take the server out of service immediately (depool).
This is quite a generic alert, so there's many options. In general, a kernel panic may indicate any or all of:
- a linux kernel bug
- a hardware problem
- a firmware problem
- other severe misconfiguration
Try to ssh to the host and check the status, for example:
journalctl -k --since today
Error-level logs:
journalctl -k -p err
Check all other logs:
journalctl --since today
You may also want to check idrac logs. TODO: add link.
Common issues
x86/cpu: SGX disabled by BIOS
This can be ignored, it's a CPU extension that is disabled in the BIOS and we don't want to use. More details in phab:T379351.
x86/cpu: VMX (outside TXT) disabled by BIOS
Unless you want to run VMs on that machine, this message is ok.
If you want to run VMs on that machine, you'll have to enable that flag in the BIOS.
mpt3sas_cm0: Trace buffer memory 2048 KB allocated
This one is fixed in newer kernels (demoted to info): https://lkml.org/lkml/2023/1/18/1533
watchdog: watchdog0: watchdog did not stop!
This is sometimes logged when manually rebooting a server. It can probably be ignored.
Add any more here when you find new issues
Acknowledging known issues
Currently the only way is to acknowledge the alert for 24h (adding a comment with !ACK mycomment
or using the tick in the ui).
Note that the alert will reappear for any message that is shown on boot.
Related information
See https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/SRE/Dc-operations/Platform-specific_documentation
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