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Portal:Cloud VPS/Admin/Runbooks/PuppetStaleCertificates

From Wikitech
The procedures in this runbook require project admin permissions to complete.

Error / Incident

There's some stale certificates on the puppetmaster after the removal of some VMs.

Common issues

This usually happens after manually removing a VM in a project that has it's own puppetmaster.

If the puppetserver is using the openstack_stale_puppet_certs prometheus exporter (probably yes), then you can cleanup all the obsolete certs with clean-stale-puppet-certs:

tools-puppetserver-01:~$ sudo /usr/local/sbin/clean-stale-puppet-certs --clean

Or, if you're feeling verbose:

root@tools-puppetserver-01:~# for host in $(grep -o 'cert_name="[^"]*' /var/lib/prometheus/node.d/openstack_stale_puppet_certs.prom  | cut -d'"' -f2); do ping -c1 -w1 "$host" && { echo "SKIPPING: $host is alive"; continue; }; puppetserver ca clean --certname "$host"; done

Another way to try to find what to cleanup, is checking the fqdns that were removed in the following graph (search for relevant project in the stale certificates graph): https://grafana-rw.wmcloud.org/d/SQM7MJZSz

then with the list of failed fnqdns, follow the guideline here: https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Puppet#node_cleanup

To avoid, you can use the dedicated cookbook to remove the instances:

$ sudo cookbook wmcs.vps.remove_instance --help
usage: cookbook [GLOBAL_ARGS] wmcs.vps.remove_instance [-h]
                                                       [--project PROJECT]
                                                       [--task-id TASK_ID]
                                                       [--cluster-name {eqiad1,codfw1dev}]

WMCS Toolforge - Remove an instance from a project.

Usage example:
    cookbook wmcs.vps.remove_instance \
        --project toolsbeta \
        --server-name toolsbeta-k8s-test-etcd-08

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --project PROJECT     Relevant Cloud VPS openstack project (for operations,
                        dologmsg, etc). If this cookbook is for hardware, this
                        only affects dologmsg calls. Default is 'admin'.
  --task-id TASK_ID     Id of the task related to this operation (ex.
                        T123456). (default: None)
  --no-dologmsg         To disable dologmsg calls (no SAL messages on IRC).
                        (default: False)
  --cluster-name {eqiad1,codfw1dev}
                        Openstack cluster_name where the VM is hosted.
                        (default: eqiad1)
  --server-name SERVER_NAME
                        Name of the server to remove (without domain, ex.
                        toolsbeta-test-k8s-etcd-9). (default: None)

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