Portal:Toolforge/Admin/Monthly meeting/2025-02-18
- Andrew Bogott
- Bryan Davis
- David Caro
- Francesco Negri
- Raymond Ndibe
- Seyram Komla Sapaty
- Slavina Stefanova
k8s upgrade workgroup progress
- FN: driving the upgrade. Had hoped a month ago to be done by today, but have made some progress. Has done a number of local tests with limakilo. Going to upgrade toolsbeta this week. If things go well, next week for Toolforge.
- The Phab task for the previous upgrade (1.28) is still open: T362867
- Missing only T370245 remove deprecated kubelet flags
OKR progress
- DC: Not a lot to report on current OKRs.
- For next APP content reuse might affect us (thinking about tools using APIs/Dumps).
- First chat with CDanis about traceability logging integration.
- Platform Sustainability will be another big push next APP. Not sure how it will affect us.
- Toolforge UI session at hackathon. Thinking about other presentations to give there.
- Next APP?
- Continue Toolforge UI project
- Backfill for Slavina
- Logs / observability
- DBaaS improvements
- "Tiger team" looking into possible WMCS efficiencies with other SRE teams, etc.