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From Wikitech
The procedures in this runbook require admin permissions to complete.

Error / Incident

There's at least one toolforge worker node with less than 2.5 Gb of space left on their root partition, if they get under 2Gb they will start failing to allocate ephemeral storage for pods.


If you can, ssh to the node and check disk usage with du -s /* or similar, common suspects are under /var/log.

Common issues

pacct log growing too much

One instance of logs getting out of control is the /var/log/account/pacct log, there's task T384250 to rotate it.

You can find a graph with the 20 workers with lower space left here:


Old incidents

Add here any new tasks for incidents you might encounter.

  • task T382865 [jobs-api,jobs-cli] increased exit code 137 rate since 2024-12-14

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