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This page explains the basic concepts behind how the requestctl tool manages configuration to control access and routing of web requests.

TODO: all references to commmands in this doc must link to the relevant entry in the command line reference.

Overview of http request control configuration

TODO: diagram?

etcd stores configuration that is:

  • written/modified by conftool
  • read from confd
  • translated to VCL that gets loaded by varnish.

The configuration stored in etcd loads the following into the varnish configuration:

  • The list of pooled ats backends to connect to in the same datacenter
  • The list of IP ranges for every public cloud, in the form of a netmapper file
  • A list of rate-limiting/ban rules for incoming traffic

How requestctl modifies configuration

requestctl modifies data that resides in the main Etcd cluster. Specifically the keys you'll modify are under /conftool/v1/request-{ipblock,action,pattern}s/. requestctl enables you to manage the configuration for:

  • IP ranges for every public cloud
  • Rate-limiting/ban rules for incoming traffic.

Object model

To configure IP ranges and rate-limiting/ban rules, requestctl uses a custom schema that defines three types of objects:

  • pattern objects describe specific patterns of an HTTP request.
  • ipblock objects group specific IP ranges into logical groups.
  • action objects describe an action to be performed on a request that matches specific combinations of patterns and ipblocks. Actions are what is enabled on varnish.
    • haproxy_action objects are similar to action objects, but allow a different set of actions because of the capabilities of haproxy.


Describe specific patterns of an HTTP request. A pattern object should be able to describe, with good flexibility, the large majority of the characteristics we want to match in a request.

Each pattern has an associated “scope” tag. The fields of each record are:

  • method, the http method
  • request_body a regex to match in the http body. CURRENTLY UNSUPPORTED IN VARNISH.
  • url_path the path part of the url, will be used as a regexp
  • header an header name to match, using the regexp at header_value;
  • header_value the regexp to match the value of header to. If left blank when a header is defined, the pattern means “the header is not present”
  • query_parameter and query_parameter_value are a parameter and a regexp for the value of a query parameter to match. An empty value will be interpreted as “for any value”.


Group specific IP ranges into logical groups.

  • For example: the ipblock with scope=cloud,name=aws includes all the IP ranges used by AWS.

The ipblock object is very simple: it has an associated scope tag (which has semantic value, see above), a name and just two fields:

  • comment: a comment to describe what is the intended use of an ipblock
  • cidrs: a list of network ranges in CIDR notation.


Describe an action to be:

  • performed on a request that matches specific combinations of patterns and ipblocks
  • enabled on varnish

An action object has two main functions:

  • describing a composition of patterns and ipblocks to form a request pattern that we want to manage, and
  • describing the actions we will take on matching requests.

The objects are associated to a specific cluster (cache-text or cache-upload at the time of writing) and have a name. Their fields are as follows:

  • enabled boolean. If false, the pattern will not be included in VCL
  • sites a list of datacenters where to apply the rule. If empty, the rule will be applied to all datacenters.
  • cache_miss_only boolean. If false, the pattern will be applied also to cache hits.
  • comment a comment to describe what this action does.
  • expression a string describing the combination of patterns and ipblocks that should be matched. The BNF of the grammar is described in cli.Requestctl.grammar, but in short:
    • A pattern is referenced with the keyword pattern@<scope>/<name>
    • An ipblock is referenced with the keyword ipblock@<scope>/<name>
    • Patterns and ipblocks can be combined with AND/AND NOT and OR/OR NOT logic and groups can be organized using parentheses.

So for example, a valid expression could look like: ( pattern@ua/requests OR pattern@ua/curl ) AND ipblock@cloud/aws AND NOT pattern@site/commons

  • resp_status the http status code to send as a response
  • resp_reason the text to send as a reason with the response
  • do_throttle boolean to say if we should throttle requests matching the expression (true) on just respond with resp_status unconditionally (false)
  • throttle_requests, throttle_interval, throttle_duration are the three arguments of vsthrottle in VCL to control the rate-limiting behaviour.
  • throttle_per_ip boolean makes the rate-limiting per-ip rather than per-cache-server
  • log_matching if true, it will record in X-Requestctl if a request matches the rule. It will thus be included into the vcl objects even if disabled; it will just not perform any banning / ratelimiting action.


objects are similar to action objects, but allow a different set of actions because of the capabilities of haproxy. This type of object describes actions on haproxy. While it shares most of the fields (and their meaning) with the action objects, there are some notable differences:

  • No rate-limiting is enforced at this level, as we were wary of the performance implications of adding potentially one stick-table per rule. Rate-limiting will have to happen at the varnish layer. So all throttle_* fields aren’t present.
  • No log_matching is supported at this layer for now. It means that we won’t mangle X-Requestctl at this layer at least for now.
  • Given we’re not caching anything in haproxyt, cache_miss_only has no meaning
  • Haproxy can both deny or silently drop a request. To do that, set the silent_drop field to True
  • Haproxy can limit the bandwidth that can be used for requests matching a certain pattern. This is controlled by the bw_throttle (boolean), bw_throttle_rate (the rate limit in bandwidth), and bw_duration (duration of the limit)

Injection into varnish and haproxy

When you run the requestctl commit command, the tool automatically generates a derived data type for each type of action, called vcl and haproxy_dsl respectively. This derived object is then injected into varnish and haproxy.

TODO: the following two sections could use diagrams

A given varnish host has:

  • One vcl condition per enabled action defined for the cluster the host is in.
    • The action is either enabled for all datacenters, or it’s enabled for the specific datacenter the host is in.
  • A netmapper file containing all the ipblock entries defined under the cloud scope
    • Possibly more netmapper files for things like crawlers.
  • A vcl list of ACLs, one for each ipblock entry under the abuse scope

HAproxy has:

  • One or multiple ACL definitions per pattern/ipblock used in an enabled action
  • A map file for each ipblock scope.
  • One http-request condition per haproxy_action that is enabled

TODO: the following could maybe include a diagram On all cache proxy servers, a Confd instance watches these keyspaces and generates the following files:

  • /var/netmapper/public_clouds.json from the data at /conftool/v1/request-ipblocks/cloud/, using this template. This netmap is then used to add an X-Public-Cloud: <name> header to requests coming from any IP address in those ranges. This data is updated daily using a script that runs on the puppetservers.
  • /etc/varnish/blocked-nets.inc.vcl from the data at /conftool/v1/request-ipblocks/abuse/, using another template. This generates a list of varnish acls that can be referenced later in the VCL. This data is currently duplicated from the private puppet hiera, and will need to be kept in sync somehow.
  • /etc/varnish/requestctl-filters.inc.vcl from the data at /conftool/v1/request-vcl/cache-$CLUSTER/{global,$datacenter}, where vcl gets stored when we run requestctl commit. This code gets injected directly in the cluster_fe_ratelimit VCL subroutine, so it only applies to cache misses at the moment (see: phab:T317794).