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SRE/Working Groups

From Wikitech

This page lists all currently active SRE working groups, with their name and description, membership and expectations around time commitments.


The ONFIRE (ONgoing reFormulation of Incident Response Efforts) is a cross-team working group dedicated to the definition and evolution of Wikimedia incident response processes and tooling. The ONFIRE group has informally existed since about 2018 or 2019, but was reformed in September 2021.

ONFIRE Working Group Charter

Cache Busting working group

The Cache Busting working group investigates, designs and implements response measures, infrastructure and tooling to defend our infrastructure and services from DDoS attacks (specifically those passing through the CDN layer), including measures to better withstand attacks, as well as to improve our response during attacks.

The Cache Busting working group was formed in early 2022.


Lead: Kwaku Addo Ofori

Current members: Cole White, Giuseppe Lavagetto, Valentin Gutierrez, Reuven Lazarus, Chris Danis, John Bond, Fabrizio Furnari

Training working group

The Training working group goal is to efficiently and effectively onboard any new team member (internal/external) as part of the Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) team within a short period. To accomplish this, the working group focuses on coming up with a structured, formalized training plan, defining standardized training documentation, videos and/or any other material and maintaining them up to date.

The Training working group kick-off meeting happened in December 2023. The work is intended to start from January 2024.


Lead: Kavitha Appakayala

Current members: Cathal Mooney, Keith Herron, Clément Goubert, Jaime Crespo

Expected time commitment: 10% time.

Mentorship working group (completed/ended)

The group will explore and propose effective strategies to incentivize mentorship within the SRE team. This includes identifying rewards, recognition methods, and other motivational tools to encourage potential mentors and mentees to participate actively in the mentorship program.

Mentorship Working Group Charter: how to create incentives for mentorship within the organization.

Deliverable: https://office.wikimedia.org/wiki/SRE/Mentorship