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Search/UDP Logger

From Wikitech
This page contains historical information. It may be outdated or unreliable.

UDP Logger

There is a UDP logger running on searchidx1 that is collecting mesg's from each one of the search servers. All search queries are getting logged into the following format:

db timestamp search

The udp logger was added in r51097 and r51324.




Files are written to



(start/stop)logger.sh - start/stop the process
udplogger.py - main worker for collection


All queries are written to searchqueries including public/private wiki's

Additions Needed

  • Public/Private filter - add a script to filter
  • Log rotation/archiving - rainman_: now, ideally i think.. there would be another script that would at midnight: 1) run stoplogger.sh 2) rename searchqueries to searchqueries-CURRENTDATE 3) upload/move this file to some public location 4) run startlogger.sh
  • Publish data to download.wikimedia.org