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Search Platform/Weekly Updates/2023-05-05

From Wikitech


Planning, budget, vacations, sickness, not a lot of concrete outputs this week.

What we've accomplished

Search Analysis

Operations / SRE


  • Mike had conversations with Chris (ML team) about Search and ML. There are interesting ideas around LLM-powered search experience. And collaboration opportunities, either around infrastructure or around features.
  • Presentation from Pratt students on how editors use search. Nothing profoundly new, but a few notes on problems we already know:
    • People don't know about the search function / page, or don't know how to find it.
    • Advanced search is confusing, for example "search in:" is about namespaces, but some people don't even know what a namespace is. They expect a filter / facet function instead.
    • Search results don't seem as relevant as Google when searching Wikipedia.
  • Capex requests (server refresh and new servers for capacity expansion) completed. It looks like we are overall over budget as an organization, we need to cut some of the spending.