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Search Platform/Weekly Updates/2023-05-12

From Wikitech


We had a major lag issue on Wikidata Query Service codfw cluster not being updated (see below for details). This took significant time and focus to resolve. Work on the Search Update pipeline continues, with conversations with other consumers of the event stream to implement changes that are needed for search.

What we've accomplished

Search - Analysis

  • Starting work on putting in place the required infrastructure to measure the planned improvements.
  • Estonian reindexing complete! It enabled a new stemmer (and other bits) and had a pretty big impact, roughly similar to the Bengali new stemmer—1 in 6 previous Estonian Wikipedia zero-results queries get results. Almost 1 in 3 of non-zero-results queries get more results, and more than 1 in 8 queries had their top result change. - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T335704
  • A user asking about stop words prompted the creation of documentation - https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:TJones_(WMF)/Notes/Stopwords_2023

Operations / SRE
