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Search Platform/Weekly Updates/2023-06-23

From Wikitech


We've been dealing with more infrastructure complications this week. Search was broken over the weekend on Commons and Wikidata (https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Incidents/2023-06-18_search_broken_on_wikidata_and_commons / https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T339810). Missing canary events in EventGate created some additional issues in our downstream data pipelines that required manual intervention.

What we've accomplished

Improve multilngual zero-results rate

Search Update Pipeline

WDQS Split the graph


  • Canary events stopped being produced, causing downstream issues with most data pipelines. Manual steps were needed to recover. Route cause is tracked on the Data Engineering team (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T340166). Larger conversation is needed to make the system more robust and easier to recover from failures.
