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Search Platform/Weekly Updates/2023-12-22

From Wikitech


Very slow week, most of the team is already on holiday.

Search Update Pipeline: We're ready to enable 3 more wikis (dewiki, frwiktionary, kuwikitionary) to our current test setup (commonswiki, frwiki, itwiki, testwiki, wikidatawiki). We will wait until after the holiday to actually enable them. Those tests are end to end, updating the production cloudelastic indices, but not yet updating the main search cluster. We are still working on understanding the throughput limitations of the pipeline, but this isn't blocking the rollout yet see https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T353460).

WDQS Split the Graph: We had a meeting with WMDE about query analysis work, so that we can have a set of queries to validate the impact of a graph split. This work was delayed due to other priorities, but we should have enough to get started on validation in early January. As our test framework isn't entirely ready yet, this will have no impact on our timeline.

What we've accomplished

Search Update Pipeline

WDQS graph splitting