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Search Platform/Weekly Updates/2024-02-02

From Wikitech


The team is in reduced capacity for most of this quarter.

Search Update pipeline is deployed end to end on Cloudelastic for ~25% of wikis, if no issues are found, we'll start to migrate the Search production next.

ICU Token Repair (as part of Improve multilingual zero-results rate) is close to completion. A good write up on the project is available: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:TJones_(WMF)/Notes/Language_Analyzer_Harmonization_Notes#ICU_Token_Repair_(T332337).

Intermediate analysis of the queries for WDQS graph splitting show results that are not as good as expected. For some user agents, we see more queries than we expected that are either failing on the main graph or returning different results. This requires additional investigation with a more qualitative approach.

Communication about the test end points for WDQS graph splitting was planned for mid-January, it is almost ready and will go out next week.

What we've accomplished

Improve multilingual zero-results rate

WDQS graph splitting

Search Update Pipeline

Misc / Operations