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Search Platform/Weekly Updates/2024-03-08

From Wikitech


ICU Token Repair work is deployed, reindexing is in progress and will take a few weeks. Analysis of the impact will be done once reindexing is completed.

Search Update Pipeline: operational procedures are in place, with some significant changes to how we do reindex. We'll wait a week or two before migrating production wikis to the new SUP. It is still likely that the full migration will spill over to next quarter.

WDQS graph splitting: we're working mostly on impact analysis, user documentation and support for Scholia in their migration. There are open questions from Scholia to see if they will migrate to our split graph or pursue other alternatives (hosting their own Qlever instance of the full graph).

The Search Platform team will be at an in person offsite next week, there will be no status update next week.

What we've accomplished

Improve multilingual zero-results rate

Search Update Pipeline

WDQS graph splitting