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Search Platform/Weekly Updates/2024-06-28

From Wikitech


Vacations and sabbaticals makes this a slow week.

We still had to fix a few minor issues on the new Search Update Pipeline. Work on WDQS Graph Split is moving forward but it will still take a couple of weeks before we have endpoints publicly available.

What we've accomplished

Search Update Pipeline

WDQS graph splitting

  • Discussion with traffic to solve our problem regarding how internal federation can bypass throttling (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T361950)
    • Seems like we can rely on a header (X-Client-Ip is standard enough that it should be safe to use it)
    • Going back to LVS is not ideal and they prefer that we use envoy as a load balancer, some research has to be done to see if and how this is done in other places in our infra
  • Started reviewing the graph split code in the updater, added some more tests to illustrate comments

Other work