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From Wikitech
This page contains historical information. It may be outdated or unreliable.

This software is presently running on singer and is not using puppet. It will shortly move to hooper and use puppet for its apache vhost configuration shortly. The database resides on db9


  • In Production since 2008-11-14

Installation instructions

  • SVN checkout the current stable deployment:
    svn co https://limesurvey.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/limesurvey/source/limesurvey/ /srv/org/wikimedia/survey/
  • Update install with our configuration file and interface translation (currently we have our own updated version of /srv/org/wikimedia/survey/locale/mk/)
  • Also backed up daily via singer's daily rsync to tridge.
  • Update Puppet to have new server use misc::survey-wikimedia class.
  • Update DNS to point the cname to the new server.

OLD/OUTDATED: How to recover in a hurry

The entire web frontend is backed up to tridge from isidore once a week. It resides in the /data/isidore/ directory, along with other web facing software installed on isidore.

The database information resides on db9.