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From Wikitech
Toolforge tools
Description A Foundation's internal tool for Asana & Slack Integration
Keywords asana, slack, python
Author(s) Samuel (WMF)
Maintainer(s) NahidSultan (WMF) and JSutherland (WMF) (View all)
Source code Gitlab
License MIT License



To manage the tool, you'll need:

  1. a Wikimedia Developer Account. Please create one by following the instructions on Help:Create a Wikimedia developer account.
  2. to be a maintainer of the asanack-bot. Please reach out to the Trust & Safety team to request maintainer privilege.


$ ssh <USERNAME>@tools-login.wmflabs.org
$ become asanack-bot

Update or stop the bot

# Update bot to latest version
$ ./engine.sh update

# Stop the bot
$ ./engine.sh stop

# Restart the bot
$ ./engine.sh restart

Change bot parameters

Parameters such as the Slack channel ID or Asana project ID are defined in an environment file .env only accessible to maintainers.

After logging into the server, one can apply the desired change through the command line editor

# Edit .env file
$ vi www/python/src/.env

After making the appropriate changes, it is important to restart the bot for changes to take effect.

# Restart the bot
$ ./engine.sh restart