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From Wikitech
Toolforge tools
Description Chinese Message Rapid Transport Bot
Keywords irc, node
Maintainer(s) WhitePhosphorus and others (View all)
Source code https://github.com/fossifer/BridgeX
License GNU General Public License 3.0

zhmrtbot is a bot deployed on Toolforge which bridges messages between Telegram, IRC (Libera.Chat), Discord, and Tencent QQ. The code was recently rewritten and is still under active development, so latest documents are not yet available. For details, please contact WhitePhosphorus.

Bot accounts

The bot is currently running in various Wikimedia related groups in Chinese language. To request new bridges, please contact one of the maintainers. Merely adding the bot to new groups will not have any effect.

libera.chat IRC
  • account: zhmrtbot
  • nick: zhmrtbot (sometimes zhmrtbot1)
  • account: BridgeX#3167 (formerly IRC-Bridge#2251)

See also

  • Tool:Bridgebot is a similar bridge bot between Telegram, IRC, Discord and Mattermost.