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Obsolete:Toolforge/Migration to eqiad

From Wikitech
This page contains historical information. It may be outdated or unreliable.

Looking for actual instructions? They are at Labs Eqiad Tools Migration (no longer applicable)

Difference between eqiad tools and pmtpa tools

  • Service groups (tools) now have user and group names of the form tools.name rather than local-name and are now globally unique. System utilities have been adapted for this difference, but if you hardcoded the name of a tool user or group in scripts you may have to revise them.
  • Likewise, the actual user and group ID of most tools have changed. This should not be an issue in practice unless you have hardcoded the numeric value in a script.
  • The shared filesystem now properly supports service groups being members of other service groups.
  • Database credentials for tools (not users) have changed and have been reset. This does have the side effect that allowable database names have also been changed accordingly.
  • Apache is no longer available as a default web interface; only explicitly started web services are now available (per NewWeb). The flipside of this is that error messages from the webserver are now considerably clearer, reliability is much improved, and the groundwork for other types of web servers is now in place (tomcat to come next).

During the migration period

Phase I (manual migration)

(this phase is over)

Both tools infrastructures remain fully operational; you can reach the eqiad tools by ssh via:

The eqiad web proxy is temporarily reachable at:

but note that while SSL works, the HTTPS certificate will fail verification.

The eqiad web proxy for tools is also reachable via tools.wmflabs.org iff:

  • You do not currently have webservice running in pmtpa; and
  • you do not have a public_html in the tool's home (you can simply rename it to something else).

While using the automatic proxy trick above does introduce a bit of extra latency, it is recommended you do so once you are satisfied that your web tool works in eqiad, since the domain name will move to the eqiad proxy directly once migration is complete – this will keep your tools' URLs stable. Using the migrate-tool script does that automatically by default.

Phase II (bulk copying of remaining tools)

(this phase is over)

Migration entered the final phase on Monday (Mar 17, 2014) as noted in mailing list labs-l.

All remaining files have been copied over to eqiad in a batch process. The tool will be left in inactive state until intervention by one of its maintainers (Phase III).

Phase III (restoring bulk copied tools)

(According to: http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/labs-l/2014-March/002241.html)

If you already migrated your tools by hand (using migrate-tool); you're already done and there is nothing else to do. Yeay you!


  • (a) log into tools-login.wmflabs.org which now points at the new datacenter (your SSH client will certainly complain about the host key having changed -- this is normal and expected since the host /has/ changed). Verify ssh key: Help:SSH_Fingerprints/tools-login.wmflabs.org
  • (b) run   finish-migration <tool>   from your user account for any tool you had not yet migrated. If your tool had any crontab(s) or databases in the previous datacenter, this will restore them.
  • (c) check that everything is where you expect it to be. As mentionned in the previous emails, the user name of your tools will have changed -including those it uses to connect to the databases. If you had any of those hardcoded in your code, you may need to revise them (the replica.my.cnf has been automatically corrected, however, so if your code reads the credentials from that then you're all set).
  • (d) if your tool had cron entries, they will currently be commented out. Edit your crontab and uncomment them as appropriate.
  • (e) if your tool had a web interface, you will need to start your webservice. This usually just needs you to   webservice start   from the tool account unless it relied on .htaccess files -- in which case you'll need to tweak the configuration a bit as outlined at: Nova_Resource:Tools/Help#Web_services
  • (f) All done. Please leave a sign in #Migration_status.2Fnotes whether everything worked fine.

Phase IV

A 1974 science fiction film, where mankind is doomed. (This phase is currently not serviced in Tool Labs)

Join IRC #wikimedia-cloud connect for further help.

Migration FAQ

'finish-migration' script returns: sudo: sorry, a password is required to run sudo

The tool's maintainer list was not synchronized correctly. The fix is simple: simply go to the wikitech interface to make any change to the list of maintainers (such as add or remove a maintainer) and save the change -- you can undo the modification immediately afterwards.
This will make certain that the group is properly updated in LDAP within a few minutes. Once you have done this, logging out of eqiad then logging back in will allow you to proceed with finish-migration.

Tools webpage shows: No webservice

By default there are no longer any apache webservers serving your tools web requests (see above). You have to manually start your 'own' webserver. Simply type:   webservice start  .You can check your running webservice with command   qstat . This will show a line with lighttpd-xxx, if your tools webservice is up & running.

Webservice is running, but 404 (formerly use of plain /cgi_bin)

  • $ webservice stop
  • move folder cgi-bin under public_html.
$ mv cgi_bin/ public_html/ 
  • with editor create/open file: ~/.lighttpd.conf  . Insert following lines and modify for your tool:
debug.log-request-handling = "enable"
$HTTP["url"] =~ "^/<toolname>/cgi-bin" {
       cgi.assign = ( "" => "" )
  • save
  • $ webservice start
Note: It may take some secs until webservice is up & running. Check with $ qstat . Webservice errors can be found in: error.log.

Webservice is running, but 404 (Perl)

(Solution from User:Jmo)
  • move folder cgi-bin under public_html
$ mv cgi_bin/ public_html/ 
  • with editor create/open file: ~/.lighttpd.conf  . Insert following lines and modify for your tool:
debug.log-request-handling = "enable"
$HTTP["url"] =~ "^/<toolname>/cgi-bin" {
    cgi.assign = ( "" => "/usr/bin/perl" )
  • $ webservice restart

Can't access http://tools.wmflabs.org/... from within Labs

As of now this URL resolves to the external IP, which can't be accessed from within Labs.
Replace the URL with: http://tools-webproxy/... to make it work.
This is a bug which will/has to be fixed in the near future.

My crontab is missing

Be sure you followed the steps noted above. Especially (b).
Tools crontabs have been copied over from old tools-login and tools-dev. You'll find them on tools-login crontab, but the entries are commented out. Crontabs from user accounts have not been copied automatically, according to Nova_Resource:Tools/Rules #1. If you need id badly, join IRC and ask for manual restore.

My database is missing from tools-db

(A list of currently transferred/running databases on tools-db can be found here.
Be sure you followed the steps noted above. Especially (b).
As already mentioned the tools-db databases have been renamed from  (old) pXXXXXgYYYYY__foo   =>   (new) sZZZZZ__foo. According to your new tools MySQL username, which can be found in replica.my.cnf. If your database is still not there, join IRC and ask Coren for a manual check or file a bug on Bugzilla
The renaming did only affect databases on tools-db. 
Databases on the replica servers retained their old names, your new MySQL user has been granted full access to this schema.

My logfiles are missing

Logfiles (.log, .err, .out) have not been copied over automatically.
If you need important logfiles, please join IRC and ask Coren for a manual check or file a bug on Bugzilla

Migration status/notes

Here, the migration list of 622 tools

  • Done = Please sign if all your files have been completely moved to eqiad and everything works fine
Tool Maintainer Comment Done
abot Dr0ptp4kt
acc-utilities StwalkersterDeltaQuad
account Ireas ireas (talk) 21:14, 22 April 2014 (UTC)
add-information Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
addbot Addshore
addshore Addshore
addshore-dev Addshore
admin Jeremyb Coren Petrb et al. Special purpose "tool" does not require migration. — Coren/Marc (talk) 04:31, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
admins Dispenser
afch-updater Legoktm
afdstats Scottywong
aftabbot Aftab
alchimista Alchimista
alkamidbot Alkamid
amdb Mr.Z-man Mr.Z-man (talk) 21:47, 13 March 2014 (UTC) |
ameen Ameen.Akbar
anagrimes Darkdadaah Psychoslave JackPotte
android-maven-repo Yuvipanda
anomiebot Anomie Anomie (talk) 00:30, 5 March 2014 (UTC)
arkivbot ProfossDanmichaelo
arnaubot Arnaugir
articlerequest Matthewrbowker
articlerequest-dev Matthewrbowker
asaifmbot Asaifm
asdf Waldir
ash-dev Ash Crow
asurabot Sitic --Sitic (talk) 19:35, 7 March 2014 (UTC) |
aswnbot Aswn
attribution Josh Parris
aude Aude can be deleted. using audetools instead aude (talk) 14:00, 17 March 2014 (UTC) |
audetools Aude (done manually) aude (talk) 14:00, 17 March 2014 (UTC) |
auth Ireas ireas (talk) 21:14, 22 April 2014 (UTC)
awstats Petrb
balasankarc Balasankarc
bambots Bamyers99 Bamyers99 (talk) 23:53, 18 March 2014 (UTC)
basebot Base
bawolff Brian Wolff
bd808-test BryanDavis
bene Bene bene (talk) 22:17, 20 March 2014 (UTC)
betabot Beta16
betacommand-dev Betacommand
betaweb CorenJorm
bibleversefinder Atethnekos Atethnekos (talk) 19:46, 22 March 2014 (UTC)
bingle Spage MarkTraceur Milimetric et al.
blahma Blahma
blankpages Krinkle
blockcalc C-M
bomwiki TarrowAddshore
book2scroll Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
books Dispenser
bot Dispenser
boteas Ireas ireas (talk) 21:14, 22 April 2014 (UTC)
bracketbot A930913
bugello AwjrichardsMaxSemYuvipanda
calling-card LFaraone
camelbot Seth
catfood Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
catgraph Jkroll
catmonitor ProfossDanmichaelo
catnap Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
cats-php Simon04
catscan2 Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
catsize Newyorkadam
catwatchbot Danmichaelo
cerabot Ceradon
chat Dispenser
checklinks Dispenser
checkpersondata Stefan Kühn Kolossos
checkwiki Magioladitis Tim Landscheidt Bgwhite Bgwhite (talk) 23:38, 5 March 2014 (UTC)
chemobot Beetstra
chie-bot Leloiandudu Leloiandudu (talk) 22:14, 20 March 2014 (UTC)
chobot ChongDae
cipherbot Ciphers
citation-bot Smith609Maximilianklein
citation-template-filling Boghog
citations Smith609MattsenateMaximilianklein
citations-dev Smith609
citeplato Atethnekos Atethnekos (talk) 19:46, 22 March 2014 (UTC)
cluebot DamianZaremba Migrated and running in eqiad damian (talk) 23:23, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
cluestuff LegoktmA930913DamianZaremba
cobain AlchimistaLluis tgnCoetArnaugir
cocubot Cocu
code-essay Yuvipanda
codelookup SPQRobinMF-Warburg SPQRobin (talk) 02:52, 1 April 2014 (UTC)
coibot Beetstra
common-interests Cyberpower678 Little green rosetta
commons Dispenser
commonsedge Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
commonshelper Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
commonshelper2 Jan
commonsinterwiki Legoktm
commonsuploadsum Pleclown
connect Dispenser
connectivity LvovaJkrollWizardistLocal-connectivity
continuitybot Jasonspriggs
contributionsurveyor Dcoetzee
contropedia Local-contropediaEkborraDavidsBoogheta
coord Myst
copyvios BenKurtovic Ben Kurtovic (earwig) (talk) 05:43, 23 March 2014 (UTC) |
cropbot Luxo
cropcrop Danmichaelo
croptool Danmichaelo
csbot CorenRyan Lane
cssk Blahma
cvn KrinkleBarras
cyberbot Cyberpower678
cyberworm Cyberpower678 Worm That Turned
daahbot Darkdadaah
dabfix Dispenser
dabsolver Dispenser
dal Legoktm
danilo Danilo
danmicholobot Danmichaelo
danorton-dev Danorton
dapete-dev Dapete dapete 12:47, 8 March 2014 (UTC) |
data Dispenser
dateien Ireas ireas (talk) 21:14, 22 April 2014 (UTC)
dawikibot MGA73Steenth --Steenth (talk) 23:29, 18 March 2014 (UTC) |
dawikitool Steenth --Steenth (talk) 23:29, 18 March 2014 (UTC) |
dbbot Dalba
dbreports Dispenser
dbreps Legoktm MZMcBride Tim Landscheidt Tim Landscheidt (talk) 02:12, 13 March 2014 (UTC)
dbreps-uk DixonD
deadlinkfinder Frog23
dekel Dekel E
delinker Steinsplitter Multichill Hoo man Siebrand Krinkle -- Steinsplitter (talk) 13:33, 20 March 2014 (UTC)
dellie MF-Warburg
deltaquad-bots DeltaQuad
deskana Deskana
deskana2 Deskana
dewikinews-rss Dapete dapete 12:47, 8 March 2014 (UTC) |
dexbot Ladsgroup
dibot Dmitry89
dicompte Darkdadaah
digimus Danmichaelo
digitaltmuseum Danmichaelo
disclaim Coren — Coren/Marc (talk) 18:57, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
dispatcher PetrbYuvipanda
dispenser Dispenser
dnbtools Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
doi-bot MattsenateMaximilianklein
dplbot Russell Blau
russblau (talk) 08:41, 15 March 2014 (UTC)
drbot Btongminh
drini Magister Mathematicae
drtrigonbot DrTrigon Migration did not work, see bugzilla:62976
dumpscan AddshoreMerlijn van DeenYuvipanda
dupdet Dcoetzee
eagleeye YMS YMS (talk) 20:43, 22 March 2014 (UTC) |
earwigbot BenKurtovic Ben Kurtovic (earwig) (talk) 05:43, 23 March 2014 (UTC) |
ecmabot Krinkle
edin Edin
edinbot Edin
edit-counter Oren
editcount Dispenser
editcounter Dispenser
editcountitis LegoktmYuvipanda
editsynergy Tristessa de St Ange
elph Elph
emausbot Emaus
enbbsb Hasteur Same expected problem as hasteurbot. 03:06, 15 March 2014 (UTC)
enboten EnDumEn
endumen EnDumEn
enwp10 Wolfgang42TheopolismeCBM
eranbot Eranroz eranroz (talk) 23:25, 6 March 2014 (UTC)
erwin85 Cyberpower678 Magnus Manske MZMcBride
etwikt Kentaur
ext-mapsources-test Tim Landscheidt Tim Landscheidt (talk) 20:13, 13 March 2014 (UTC)
fatemi Fatemi127
fatg Pouyan
ffbot Danmichaelo
file Dispenser
file-dispenser Dispenser
file-reuse Jens Ohlig
file-siblings Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
filedupes Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
files Dispenser
fischbot Pyfisch
fist Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
fiwiki-tools Zache-tool
fixdatebot Petrb
flickr Btongminh
flickr2commons Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
flickrripper Matanya not needed anymore
foundation Dispenser
foundation-projects Dispenser
fpbot FunPika
ftl Jmo Jmo (talk) 22:09, 20 March 2014 (UTC)
fubar Little green rosetta
gabrielchihonglee-bot Zhuyifei1999Gabrielchihonglee
gennfs Chmarkine
geograph2commons Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
geohack Magnus Manske, Kolossos Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
geoloc FlorenthMarianneHGretalZeroK
geonotice Aude aude (talk) 14:17, 17 March 2014 (UTC) |
geophotoreq Mr.Z-man Mr.Z-man (talk) 21:47, 13 March 2014 (UTC) |
gerakibot Geraki
gerakitools Geraki
gerrit-patch-uploader LegoktmMerlijn van Deen
gerrit-reviewer-bot MultichillSiebrandMerlijn van DeenTim Landscheidt
gerrit-to-redis MarkTraceur Legoktm Catrope Ori.livneh MZMcBride aude (talk) 21:37, 18 March 2014 (UTC)
ggu Platonides Gifti Tim Landscheidt gifti (talk) 22:38, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
giftbot Gifti gifti (talk) 22:38, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
giovannitool Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia
glamtools Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
globaleditcounter MistrX
globalprefs Legoktm
goblinbot4 Bluegoblin7
google Dispenser
gpsexif Dschwen --dschwen (talk) 13:17, 21 March 2014 (UTC) |
gpy Gryllida
graminbot Sbharti
grantsbot CiphersJmorgan
grapedog Candalua
grep Jarry1250 jarry1250 (talk) 11:22, 15 March 2014 (UTC) |
grouplens NettromAuduwage Nettrom (talk) 22:41, 11 March 2014 (UTC)
guc Luxo Luxo (talk) 22:08, 18 March 2014 (UTC) |
h2bot Haffman
hassen Hassen.Houssein
hasteurbot BenKurtovicHasteurTheopolisme Problems encountered: expected the replica.my.cnf that was on original tool acct to work. Had to futz around on my own. Hasteur (talk) 02:57, 15 March 2014 (UTC)
hat-collector Rschen7754 Rschen7754 04:50, 5 March 2014 (UTC)
hawk-eye-bot Hawk-Eye
hay Hay
hazard-bot Hazard-SJ
helperbot Darkwind
hennalabs Henna
herculebot Hercule Hercule (talk) 18:12, 16 March 2014 (UTC)
heritage Multichill Spider Ash Crow Platonides et al.
hersfold-hacb Hersfold
hersfold-irc Hersfold
hersfold-web Hersfold
hewiki-tools Eranroz, Matanya eranroz (talk) 20:02, 15 March 2014 (UTC) |
hexacore HexaCore
hippietest Hippietrail
hoo Hoo man
hostbot Jmorgan jmorgan (talk) 23:19, 20 March 2014 (UTC) |
hotarticles Kaldari
hroest Hroest
huggle AddshorePetrb
huji Huji
huwiki Gergő Tisza
ia-upload Tpt
ibrahimid Ibrahim.ID
icelab Torin
icommons Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
ideasbot DGideas
idwiki-gpu Kenrick95
iluvatarbot Iluvatar
image Dispenser
image-resize-calc Jbarta
imagemapedit Dapete dapete 12:47, 8 March 2014 (UTC) |
inactive-admins Madman madman (talk) 06:37, 15 March 2014 (UTC)
incolabot Incola --Incola (talk) 20:16, 13 March 2014 (UTC)
intelibot -jem-Miguel2706
interlang Auduwage
intersect-contribs Pietrodn Done --Pietrodn (talk) 14:42, 5 March 2014 (UTC)
intuition SiebrandKrinkle
ipp APPER --APPER (talk) 14:13, 6 March 2014 (UTC)
irc Dispenser
irc-wmt PiRSquared17 Pathoschild MF-Warburg John F. Lewis Quentinv57 Now running with webservice! John F. Lewis (talk) 21:18, 7 March 2014 (UTC)
ireas Ireas ireas (talk) 21:14, 22 April 2014 (UTC)
isbn Ireas ireas (talk) 21:05, 22 April 2014 (UTC)
isbn-usage Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
isbn2tpl Fale
isbn2wiki Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
isin Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
isitdeployed Legoktm
italian-wikipedia-bar .snoopy.
itsource Candalua Alex brollo Tpt Alex brollo (talk) 08:37, 28 March 2014 (UTC)
itwiki Gnumarcoo Pietrodn Incola Mauro742 et al. --Rotpunkt (talk) 08:56, 13 March 2014 (UTC)
itwikinews-rss Pietrodn Done --Pietrodn (talk) 17:17, 5 March 2014 (UTC)
itwp-deletions Mauro742 mauro742 (talk) 23:54, 18 March 2014 (UTC)
jabber Dispenser
jackbot JackPotte
james JamesR JamesR (talk) 09:06, 6 March 2014 (UTC)
jamesur-usergroupsearch Jalexander
jarry-common Jarry1250 jarry1250 (talk) 11:22, 15 March 2014 (UTC) |
jeltebot Jelte
jembot -jem- -jem- (talk) 13:25, 26 March 2014 (UTC)
jeremy Jeremy
jeremyb Jeremyb
jimmy Jimmyxu Jimmy Xu (talk) 15:08, 22 March 2014 (UTC)
jira-bugimport Merlijn van Deen
jitse-bot Jitse Niesen
joanjoc Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
justincbot Justincheng12345
kenrick95bot Kenrick95
kirstentest Kmenger
kolega Kolega2357
kolega2357 Kolega2357
krdbot Krd
kuwaity-tool Kuwaity26
laaknortools Laaknor
lbenedix Lbenedix
lcm-dashboard Harshkothari410
legobot Legoktm
legoktm-adminbots Legoktm
lestaty Sir Lestaty de Lioncourt
liangent Liangent liangent (talk) 14:40, 14 March 2014 (UTC)
liangent-django Liangent liangent (talk) 15:12, 14 March 2014 (UTC)
liangent-misc Liangent liangent (talk) 14:22, 14 March 2014 (UTC)
liangent-php Liangent TODO - change database prefix from p50380g50497__wikidb_ to s51117__wikidb_
liangent-py Liangent liangent (talk) 15:02, 14 March 2014 (UTC)
liangent-shared Liangent liangent (talk) 14:22, 14 March 2014 (UTC)
lib Legoktm
lifeweb LivingShadow
lijebot Lijealso
linedwell Linedwell
linkedpageviews Ireas
linkwatcher Beetstra
lists AlessioIncolaFale --Incola (talk) 20:04, 19 March 2014 (UTC)
locator MultichillAkoopal Akoopal (talk) 14:13, 17 March 2014 (UTC)
logger Petrb Tim Landscheidt Yuvipanda Tim Landscheidt (talk) 20:13, 13 March 2014 (UTC)
login Dispenser
logs CorenPetrb — Coren/Marc (talk) 18:57, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
lolrrit-wm Chad AzaToth MarkTraceur Legoktm et al. aude (talk) 21:37, 18 March 2014 (UTC)
loltrs Legoktm
low Legoktm
lp-tools Lokal Profil
lrbot RLuts RLuts (talk) 22:48, 4 April 2014 (UTC)
ltfeedchecker Dnaber
lua-catscan2 LuaKT
magnus-toolserver Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
magnustools Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
magog Magog the Ogre
mahdiz LadsgroupMahdizReza
mail Dispenser
makeref Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
manishearth Manishearth
manypedia Sonet
masscamps Yuvipanda
matanyabot Matanya not needed anymore
math PhysikerweltMattflaschenOri.livneh
mathbot Oleg Alexandrov Done. Oleg Alexandrov (talk) 06:27, 22 March 2014 (UTC)
matilda Legoktm
matthewrbowker Matthewrbowker
matthewrbowker-dev Matthewrbowker
matvaretabellen Danmichaelo
mediawiki-mc Petrb
mediawiki2latex Dirk Hünniger
meetbot Tim Landscheidt Hashar Tim Landscheidt (talk) 20:13, 13 March 2014 (UTC)
megacron SatUmzegherCorenJohntannerFMorifujiFnc4
menobot Meno25
merl-dev Merl
merlbot Merl
merliwbot Merl
mfw-bww MF-WarburgRschen7754 Rschen7754 06:37, 6 March 2014 (UTC)
missing-from-wikipedia Sharihareswara
missingtopics Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
mix-n-match Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
mlwikisource Balasankarc
mono Mono
morebots JeremybMattflaschenOri.livnehPetrbDzahnAndrew Bogott
mormegil Mormegil mormegil (talk) 12:08, 15 March 2014 (UTC)
most-wanted Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
mp Local-spbotIreasEuku ireas (talk) 21:14, 22 April 2014 (UTC)
mscbot C-MProlineserver
multichill Multichill
multidesc Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
mwhook-bot Legoktm
mwp BenKurtovicLegoktm
mwp-testing Legoktm
mzmcbride MZMcBride
nara JeremybDominic
nasirkhanbot Nasirkhan
new-uploads-refresher Magog the Ogre
newfiles AzaToth
newwebtest Hedonil deleted all files in pmtpa Hedonil (talk) 07:30, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
newyorkadam Newyorkadam
nlwikibots MultichillSiebrandMerlijn van DeenAkoopal
nlwikt-tools Annabel
not-in-the-other-language Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
nullzero Nullzero
nullzerobot Nullzero
oauth Dispenser
oauth-hello-world Local-anomiebotAnomie Anomie (talk) 00:30, 5 March 2014 (UTC)
ocounter Oren
openhatch-wiki Jeremyb
ops Dispenser
orejasbot Local-orejasbotAlanMistrX
orphantalk Krinkle
orwell01 Oren
orwell02 Oren
os RHaworth
oscoor RHaworth
ouda Mohamed Ouda
oudabot Mohamed Ouda
owintes Raimond SpekkingHippietrailPurodhaDaniel Kinzler Purodha Blissenbach (talk) 08:51, 12 March 2014 (UTC)
panderine Pyr0
paste Petrb
paste-test Petrb Liangent Hedonil Hedonil (talk) 16:11, 14 March 2014 (UTC)
pastebin Petrb
pathoschild-contrib Pathoschild
pb Local-spbotIreasEuku ireas (talk) 23:10, 22 March 2014 (UTC)
peachy Cyberpower678
peek Pathoschild
perebot Pere prlpz
perfect-venn-diagram-generator Dcoetzee
perfectbot Fluff
periodssuck LegoktmLocal-periodssuckYuvipanda
persondata APPER APPER (talk) 16:49, 7 March 2014 (UTC)
pirsquared PiRSquared17
pltools Pasleim Pasleim (talk) 17:30, 27 March 2014 (UTC)
popularpages Mr.Z-man Mr.Z-man (talk) 17:30, 14 March 2014 (UTC) |
potd Btongminh
potd-feed Daniel Kinzler
prism Legoktm
prosjektbot DanmichaeloProfoss
ptools Pleclown
ptwikis AgxAlchimistaRodrigo PadulaRaylton P. SousaDaniloTuricasHenriqueCrangHelder.wiki
purodha-testing Purodha purodha (talk) 16:43, 5 March 2014 (UTC)
pywikibot MultichillLadsgroupLegoktmMerlijn van DeenRussell Blau valhallasw (talk) 02:38, 9 March 2014 (UTC) |
pywikipedia Ladsgroup
qic Dschwen dschwen (talk) 03:04, 5 March 2014 (UTC) |
quentinv57-bots Quentinv57
quentinv57-tools Cyberpower678Quentinv57
raehhamsang Fatemi127
ragesossbot Ragesoss
railways Multichill
ralgisbot Ralgis Allan J. Aguilar 18:13, 9 October 2014 (UTC) |
random-featured Dapete dapete 12:47, 8 March 2014 (UTC) |
raun Kenrick95
raymond Raimond Spekking
reasonator Local-reasonatorLadsgroupMagnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
redirect Dispenser
refcreator Yexiaoxing
referencebot Local-referencebotA930913Legoktm
reflinks Dispenser
reftoolbar Mr.Z-man Mr.Z-man (talk) 21:47, 13 March 2014 (UTC) |
render JkrollKai Nissen (WMDE)Daniel Kinzler
render-tests JkrollKai Nissen (WMDE)Daniel Kinzler
repi AddshoreMerlijn van Deen
report Dispenser
reports DispenserMZMcBride
revisionstats MahmoudHashemiSlaporte
rezabot Local-rezabotReza
ricordisamoa Ricordisamoa
rightstool Dungodung Dungodung (talk) 21:08, 11 March 2014 (UTC)
rillke Rillke
rluts RLuts RLuts (talk) 22:48, 4 April 2014 (UTC)
robin SPQRobinMF-Warburg SPQRobin (talk) 02:52, 1 April 2014 (UTC)
rotatebot Luxo
russbot Russell Blau russblau (talk) 09:17, 14 March 2014 (UTC)
ruwn-misc Artem Korzhimanov Artem Korzhimanov (talk) 12:02, 24 March 2014 (UTC) |
samoabot Ricordisamoa Ricordisamoa 19:20, 15 March 2014 (UTC) |
saper Saper
sbl Legoktm
scaldingbot Martijn Hoekstra
scottytools Cyberpower678ScottywongTheopolisme
sdbot Danmichaelo
search Dispenser
searchdiff Little green rosetta
searchsbl Seth
section-links Pietrodn Done ––Pietrodn (talk) 14:42, 5 March 2014 (UTC)
shortnames Coren — Coren/Marc (talk) 18:57, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
shtest Sumanah-testing
shuaib محمد شعیب
shuaib-bot Local-ameenTahir mqمحمد شعیبLocal-tahirAmeen.Akbar
sighting Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
sigma Σ
signin Dispenser
signpost Jarry1250 jarry1250 (talk) 11:22, 15 March 2014 (UTC) |
simplecommonstransfer Ireas ireas (talk) 21:14, 22 April 2014 (UTC)
simplewikt Hydriz
sites Chricho
sn1pebot Sn1per
snapshots Krinkle
snowolf Snowolf
spbot Euku
spellcheck APPER --APPER (talk) 14:13, 6 March 2014 (UTC)
srwiki Dungodung Dungodung (talk) 21:08, 11 March 2014 (UTC)
static Ireas ireas (talk) 23:10, 22 March 2014 (UTC)
stats AddshoreLegoktmYuvipanda
steinsplitter SteinsplitterZhuyifei1999 --Steinsplitter (talk) 22:39, 5 March 2014 (UTC)
stemmeberettigelse Danmichaelo
stewardbots SnowolfMF-WarburgMatanyaQuentinv57Rschen7754 Rschen7754 06:07, 17 March 2014 (UTC)
stimmberechtigung Ireas ireas (talk) 23:10, 22 March 2014 (UTC)
stub Little green rosetta
stwalkerster Stwalkerster
styleguide SpageJdlrobsonMattflaschen ssh -v tools-login.wmflabs, follow instructions for new key; then become styleguide; webservice start, done! (thanks Hedonil) | spage (talk) 19:08, 20 March 2014 (UTC) |
suchaserver LegoktmYuvipanda
suggestbot Nettrom Nettrom (talk) 22:41, 11 March 2014 (UTC)
sulinfo Cyberpower678John F. LewisQuentinv57
supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Dispenser
superyetkin Superyetkin
superzerocool Superzerocool Superzerocool (talk) 04:03, 15 March 2014 (UTC)
svenbot LegoktmSven Manguard
svg-map-maker Kaldari
svgcheck Jarry1250 jarry1250 (talk) 11:22, 15 March 2014 (UTC) |
svgedit Brian Wolff
svgedit-dashboard Brion VIBBER
svwikihostbot Fluff
svwiktionary Skalman
tahir Tahir mq
tasmania Fsainsbu
taweetham NullzeroTaweetham
taxobot Smith609
tb-dev Tb tb (talk) 19:38, 22 March 2014 (UTC)
tc-rc TCN7JM TCN7JM 04:17, 5 March 2014 (UTC)
tei2wikitext Tpt
templatecheck Tim Landscheidt Tim Landscheidt (talk) 02:12, 13 March 2014 (UTC)
templatetiger Stefan Kühn TMg Gifti Kolossos
templator Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
testwikistats SteinsplitterZhuyifei1999 Zhuyifei1999 (talk) 09:11, 6 March 2014 (UTC)
tfaprotbot Legoktm
thehelpfulbot Thehelpfulone
theoslittlebot Theopolisme
tichy Abartov
timescale Smith609
tool-log-stats Oren
tools-dashboard Surenm
tools-info Hedonil Hedonil (talk) 13:35, 14 March 2014 (UTC)
totoazero Toto Azéro Toto Azéro follow the guide !
trend Staeiou
tristessa Tristessa de St Ange
tronbot Oren
tsreports Merlijn van DeenLocal-tsreports-devMZMcBride
tsreports-dev Merlijn van Deen
tusc Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
typoscan Tim Landscheidt Bgwhite Tim Landscheidt (talk) 20:13, 13 March 2014 (UTC)
ukbot Zache-toolDanmichaelo
un-ocha-maps JeremybTlevine
unblock TparisThehelpfuloneMartijn HoekstraHersfold
unblockbot Beetstra
unpatrollededitstats Jelte Jelte (talk) 10:28, 28 March 2014 (UTC) |
url-converter Seth
url2commons Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
usersearch Scottywong
usrd-tools FredddieTCN7JMHappy5214Rschen7754 Rschen7754 03:41, 5 March 2014 (UTC)
usualsuspects Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
v-wiki Csroychan
valutabot Profoss
vcat Dapete dapete 12:47, 8 March 2014 (UTC) |
veblenbot CBM
viafbot Maximilianklein
vic Dschwen dschwen (talk) 03:04, 5 March 2014 (UTC) |
videoconvert Prolineserver
videotutorials Jackson Peebles
vishwin O
visualeditor InezKrinkleCatrope
voiceintro Jarry1250 jarry1250 (talk) 11:22, 15 March 2014 (UTC) |
voxelbot Vacation9Fox Wilson
vtwo Mdd 2007
wanderwiki JoffreyQIubFlorenthZeroK
wantedpages Zanaq
watchr Sitic --Sitic (talk) 19:35, 7 March 2014 (UTC) |
wd-analysis Addshore
wdapi Legoktm legoktm (talk) 21:00, 4 March 2014 (UTC) |
wdrdr Pyfisch
webchat Dispenser
weeklypedia MahmoudHashemiSlaporte
widar Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
wiki Dispenser
wiki-android-apps Yuvipanda
wiki-todo Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
wikiblame Bartosz Dziewoński
wikibooks Dispenser
wikicaptcha CristianCantoroRicordisamoa Ricordisamoa 19:23, 15 March 2014 (UTC) |
wikicup Jarry1250 jarry1250 (talk) 11:22, 15 March 2014 (UTC) |
wikidashboard Dispenser
wikidata Dispenser
wikidata-analysis AddshoreDenny Vrandecic
wikidata-edits Christopher Johnson (WMDE)
wikidata-terminator Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
wikidata-todo Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
wikifeeds Silke MeyerDaniel Kinzler
wikihistory APPER APPER (talk) 18:07, 7 March 2014 (UTC)
wikilint Tim Landscheidt Tim Landscheidt (talk) 02:12, 13 March 2014 (UTC)
wikiment Fnielsen
wikimetrics ErosenMilimetricDiederik
wikiminiatlas DschwenDispenser
wikinews Superzerocool Superzerocool (talk) 04:03, 15 March 2014 (UTC) |
wikinews-pagestats Brian Wolff
wikipedia Dispenser
wikipedia-library Madman madman (talk) 06:37, 15 March 2014 (UTC)
wikipulse Lbenedix
wikiresearch DarTar
wikisense Daniel Kinzler
wikishootme Magnus Manske Magnus Manske (talk) 21:43, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
wikistream Yuvipanda
wikistreams Yuvipanda
wikitest-rtl Amire80LadsgroupAdamwOri.livneh
wikitrends Johang
wikiviewstats Hedonil clean sweep Hedonil (talk) 15:26, 5 March 2014 (UTC)
wikiviewstats2 Hedonil files deleted, jobs shutdown in pmtpa Hedonil (talk) 07:54, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
wikivisualization Ryan2758
wikivoyage Zhuyifei1999Torty3 public_html on pmtpa not removed (manually, at least) in case something went wrong. Zhuyifei1999 (talk) 11:37, 13 March 2014 (UTC)
wikt-mwtest DarkdadaahPsychoslaveJackPotte
wiktionary Dispenser
wiktioutils Darkdadaah
wizarbot Wizardist
wlm-analytics Ynhockey
wlm-nl-table-gen 1Veertje
wlmin Naveenpf
wlmpacommonscat DMaggot
wlmtrafo MultichillSpider
wlmus Mono
wm-bot Petrb
wm-metrics LénaJean-FrédéricPierreSelim
wmcounter Emijrp new location --Emijrp (talk) 15:18, 11 May 2014 (UTC)
wmf Dispenser
wmf-wiki-info Alex Monk
wmfdbbot Krinkle
wmk-dev MistrXWhite Master
wmk-tools MistrXWhite Master
wmtran Gryllida
wmukevents Jarry1250 jarry1250 (talk) 11:22, 15 March 2014 (UTC) |
wp-signpost Yuvipanda
wpb Ireas ireas (talk) 21:14, 22 April 2014 (UTC)
wpv Lkozma
wyimportbot Hazard-SJLegoktm legoktm (talk) 21:00, 4 March 2014 (UTC) |
xlinkbot Beetstra
xstools TparisCyberpower678
xtools TparisCyberpower678
yacbot Marco
yadkard Dalba
yellowbot Yellowcard
yellowcard Yellowcard
yifeibot SteinsplitterZhuyifei1999Gabrielchihonglee Zhuyifei1999 (talk) 09:11, 6 March 2014 (UTC)
zbot Mr.Z-man Mr.Z-man (talk) 21:47, 13 March 2014 (UTC) |
zhwiki Liangent liangent (talk) 14:25, 14 March 2014 (UTC)
zkbot Zaher kadour
zoomviewer Dschwen dschwen (talk) 03:04, 5 March 2014 (UTC) |