User:Addshore/Diagrams/Sequence/WikiSpeech 2019
Renderable with
msc{ width="1000"; "MW WikiSpeech JS"[linecolor=green, arclinecolor=green, textbgcolor="#50E983"], "MW WikiSpeech API" [linecolor=green, arclinecolor=green, textbgcolor="#50E983"], "Python Speechoid API" [linecolor=blue, arclinecolor=blue, textbgcolor="#CCCCFF"], "disk" [linecolor=fuchsia, arclinecolor=fuchsia, textbgcolor="#FFCCFF"], "pronlex" [linecolor=blue, arclinecolor=blue, textbgcolor="#CCCCFF"], "sqlite" [linecolor=fuchsia, arclinecolor=fuchsia, textbgcolor="#FFCCFF"], "marytts" [linecolor=blue, arclinecolor=blue, textbgcolor="#CCCCFF"]; "MW WikiSpeech JS" rbox "MW WikiSpeech JS" [label="Page load while enabled" ]; "MW WikiSpeech JS" => "MW WikiSpeech API" [label="getPageSegments"]; "MW WikiSpeech JS" << "MW WikiSpeech API" [label="page segments"]; "MW WikiSpeech JS" loop "marytts" [label="render segments", linecolor="grey", textcolor="black"] { "MW WikiSpeech JS" => "Python Speechoid API" [label="renderSegment"]; "Python Speechoid API" => "pronlex" [label="get lex stuff"]; "pronlex" => "sqlite" [label="db query"]; "pronlex" << "sqlite" [label="result"]; "Python Speechoid API" << "pronlex" [label="lex stuff"]; "Python Speechoid API" => "marytts" [label="get data and audio"]; "Python Speechoid API" << "marytts" [label="data and audio"]; "Python Speechoid API" => "disk" [label="store audio"]; "MW WikiSpeech JS" << "Python Speechoid API" [label="segment data & audio link"]; }; --- [label="Wait for user input", linecolor="grey", textbgcolor="white", textcolor="black"]; "MW WikiSpeech JS" rbox "MW WikiSpeech JS" [label="Click play event" ]; "MW WikiSpeech JS" loop "marytts" [label="play files", linecolor="grey", textcolor="black"] { "MW WikiSpeech JS" => "Python Speechoid API" [label="Retrieve file"]; "MW WikiSpeech JS" << "Python Speechoid API" [label="file"]; "MW WikiSpeech JS" rbox "MW WikiSpeech JS" [label="Play audio" ]; }; }