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From Wikitech
❯ ssh an-test-client1001.e
Linux an-test-client1001 4.19.0-14-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.19.171-2 (2021-01-30) x86_64
Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)

  _  __         _               _             _   _               _
 | |/ /        | |             (_)           | | | |             | |
 | ' / ___ _ __| |__   ___ _ __ _ _______  __| | | |__   ___  ___| |_
 |  < / _ \ '__| '_ \ / _ \ '__| |_  / _ \/ _` | | '_ \ / _ \/ __| __|
 | . \  __/ |  | |_) |  __/ |  | |/ /  __/ (_| | | | | | (_) \__ \ |_
 |_|\_\___|_|  |_.__/ \___|_|  |_/___\___|\__,_| |_| |_|\___/|___/\__|

This host is capable of Kerberos authentication in the WIKIMEDIA realm.

For more info: https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Analytics/Systems/Kerberos/UserGuide

an-test-client1001 is a Analytics Hadoop test client (analytics_test_cluster::client)
The last Puppet run was at Fri Sep 24 20:55:58 UTC 2021 (16 minutes ago).
Last puppet commit: (ff4eb50a5e) Ryan Kemper - query_service: Add monitoring::groups for wcqs
Debian GNU/Linux 10 auto-installed on Wed Oct 21 22:23:14 UTC 2020.
Last login: Thu Jul 29 16:15:19 2021 from 2620:0:863:1:198:35:26:13

You do not have a valid Kerberos ticket in the credential cache, remember to kinit.
razzi@an-test-client1001:~$ kinit
Password for razzi@WIKIMEDIA:
razzi@an-test-client1001:~$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_26051
Default principal: razzi@WIKIMEDIA

Valid starting       Expires              Service principal
09/24/2021 21:12:26  09/26/2021 21:12:23  krbtgt/WIKIMEDIA@WIKIMEDIA
        renew until 10/01/2021 21:12:23
razzi@an-test-client1001:~$ presto --help
        presto - Presto interactive console

        presto [--access-token <access token>] [--catalog <catalog>]
                [--client-info <client-info>]
                [--client-request-timeout <client request timeout>]
                [--client-tags <client tags>] [--debug] [--disable-compression]
                [--execute <execute>] [--extra-credential <extra-credential>...]
                [(-f <file> | --file <file>)] [(-h | --help)]
                [--http-proxy <http-proxy>] [--ignore-errors]
                [--keystore-password <keystore password>]
                [--keystore-path <keystore path>]
                [--krb5-config-path <krb5 config path>]
                [--krb5-credential-cache-path <krb5 credential cache path>]
                [--krb5-keytab-path <krb5 keytab path>]
                [--krb5-principal <krb5 principal>]
                [--krb5-remote-service-name <krb5 remote service name>]
                [--log-levels-file <log levels file>] [--output-format <output-format>]
                [--password] [--resource-estimate <resource-estimate>...]
                [--schema <schema>] [--server <server>] [--session <session>...]
                [--socks-proxy <socks-proxy>] [--source <source>]
                [--truststore-password <truststore password>]
                [--truststore-path <truststore path>] [--user <user>] [--version]

        --access-token <access token>
            Access token

        --catalog <catalog>
            Default catalog

        --client-info <client-info>
            Extra information about client making query

        --client-request-timeout <client request timeout>
            Client request timeout (default: 2m)

        --client-tags <client tags>
            Client tags

            Enable debug information

            Disable compression of query results

        --execute <execute>
            Execute specified statements and exit

        --extra-credential <extra-credential>
            Extra credentials (property can be used multiple times; format is

        -f <file>, --file <file>
            Execute statements from file and exit

        -h, --help
            Display help information

        --http-proxy <http-proxy>
            HTTP proxy to use for server connections

            Continue processing in batch mode when an error occurs (default is
            to exit immediately)

        --keystore-password <keystore password>
            Keystore password

        --keystore-path <keystore path>
            Keystore path

        --krb5-config-path <krb5 config path>
            Kerberos config file path (default: /etc/krb5.conf)

        --krb5-credential-cache-path <krb5 credential cache path>
            Kerberos credential cache path

            Disable service hostname canonicalization using the DNS reverse

        --krb5-keytab-path <krb5 keytab path>
            Kerberos key table path (default: /etc/krb5.keytab)

        --krb5-principal <krb5 principal>
            Kerberos principal to be used

        --krb5-remote-service-name <krb5 remote service name>
            Remote peer's kerberos service name

        --log-levels-file <log levels file>
            Configure log levels for debugging using this file

        --output-format <output-format>
            Output format for batch mode [ALIGNED, VERTICAL, CSV, TSV,
            CSV_HEADER, TSV_HEADER, NULL] (default: CSV)

            Prompt for password

        --resource-estimate <resource-estimate>
            Resource estimate (property can be used multiple times; format is

        --schema <schema>
            Default schema

        --server <server>
            Presto server location (default: localhost:8080)

        --session <session>
            Session property (property can be used multiple times; format is
            key=value; use 'SHOW SESSION' to see available properties)

        --socks-proxy <socks-proxy>
            SOCKS proxy to use for server connections

        --source <source>
            Name of source making query

        --truststore-password <truststore password>
            Truststore password

        --truststore-path <truststore path>
            Truststore path

        --user <user>

            Display version information and exit

razzi@an-test-client1001:~$ presto
presto> select meta.id from event.navigationtiming where year=2021 limit 10;
Query 20210924_211309_00000_4ytii failed: line 1:21: Catalog must be specified when session catalog is not set
select meta.id from event.navigationtiming where year=2021 limit 10

presto> use analytics_hive;
Query 20210924_211315_00001_4ytii failed: line 1:1: Catalog must be specified when session catalog is not set
use analytics_hive

presto> show catalogs;

analytics_test_hive system (2 rows) Query 20210924_211321_00002_4ytii, FINISHED, 1 node Splits: 19 total, 19 done (100.00%) 0:01 [0 rows, 0B] [0 rows/s, 0B/s] presto> use analytics_test_hive; Query 20210924_211328_00003_4ytii failed: line 1:1: Catalog must be specified when session catalog is not set use analytics_test_hive presto> help Supported commands: QUIT EXPLAIN [ ( option [, ...] ) ] <query> options: FORMAT { TEXT | GRAPHVIZ } TYPE { LOGICAL | DISTRIBUTED } DESCRIBE SHOW COLUMNS FROM
SHOW FUNCTIONS SHOW CATALOGS [LIKE <pattern>] SHOW SCHEMAS [FROM <catalog>] [LIKE <pattern>] SHOW TABLES [FROM <schema>] [LIKE <pattern>] USE [<catalog>.]<schema> presto> show catalogs -> ; Catalog
analytics_test_hive system (2 rows) Query 20210924_211357_00004_4ytii, FINISHED, 1 node Splits: 19 total, 19 done (100.00%) 0:00 [0 rows, 0B] [0 rows/s, 0B/s] presto> use analytics_test_hive -> -> ; Query 20210924_211406_00005_4ytii failed: line 1:1: Catalog must be specified when session catalog is not set use analytics_test_hive presto> show tables -> presto> showhl presto> help Supported commands: QUIT EXPLAIN [ ( option [, ...] ) ] <query> options: FORMAT { TEXT | GRAPHVIZ } TYPE { LOGICAL | DISTRIBUTED } DESCRIBE
SHOW FUNCTIONS SHOW CATALOGS [LIKE <pattern>] SHOW SCHEMAS [FROM <catalog>] [LIKE <pattern>] SHOW TABLES [FROM <schema>] [LIKE <pattern>] USE [<catalog>.]<schema> presto> show schemas from analytics_test_hive; Schema
default elukey event event_sanitized information_schema otto_sanitized wmf wmf_raw (8 rows) Query 20210924_211445_00006_4ytii, FINISHED, 2 nodes Splits: 19 total, 19 done (100.00%) 0:01 [8 rows, 115B] [9 rows/s, 142B/s] presto> use analytics_test_hive.wmf -> ; USE presto:wmf> show tables; Table
anomaly_detection webrequest (2 rows) Query 20210924_211507_00008_4ytii, FINISHED, 2 nodes Splits: 19 total, 19 done (100.00%) 0:01 [2 rows, 53B] [2 rows/s, 76B/s] presto:wmf> select * from webrequest -> limit 1; Query 20210924_211522_00009_4ytii failed: Query over table 'wmf.webrequest' can potentially read more than 840 partitions presto:wmf> select count(*) from webrequest limit 1; Query 20210924_211532_00010_4ytii failed: Query over table 'wmf.webrequest' can potentially read more than 840 partitions presto:wmf> describe table webrequest; Query 20210924_211546_00011_4ytii failed: line 1:10: mismatched input 'table'. Expecting: 'INPUT', 'OUTPUT', <identifier> describe table webrequest presto:wmf> describe webrequest; Column | Type
+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ hostname | varchar sequence | bigint dt | varchar time_firstbyte | double ip | varchar cache_status | varchar http_status | varchar response_size | bigint http_method | varchar uri_host | varchar uri_path | varchar uri_query | varchar content_type | varchar referer | varchar x_forwarded_for | varchar user_agent | varchar accept_language | varchar x_analytics | varchar range | varchar is_pageview | boolean record_version | varchar client_ip | varchar geocoded_data | map(varchar, varchar) x_cache | varchar user_agent_map | map(varchar, varchar) x_analytics_map | map(varchar, varchar) ts | timestamp access_method | varchar agent_type | varchar is_zero | boolean referer_class | varchar normalized_host | row(project_class varchar, project varchar, qualifiers array(varchar), tld varchar, proje pageview_info | map(varchar, varchar) page_id | bigint namespace_id | integer tags | array(varchar) isp_data | map(varchar, varchar) accept | varchar tls | varchar tls_map | map(varchar, varchar) webrequest_source | varchar year | integer month | integer day | integer hour | integer (45 rows) Query 20210924_211610_00012_4ytii, FINISHED, 2 nodes Splits: 19 total, 19 done (100.00%) 0:13 [45 rows, 5.56KB] [3 rows/s, 424B/s] presto:wmf> select count(*) from webrequest where year = 2021 and month = 5 and day = 5 and hour = 5; _col0
0 (1 row) Query 20210924_211644_00013_4ytii, FINISHED, 1 node Splits: 1 total, 1 done (100.00%) 0:00 [0 rows, 0B] [0 rows/s, 0B/s] presto:wmf> select count(*) from webrequest where year = 2021 and month = 8 and day = 5 and hour = 5; _col0
10405 (1 row) Query 20210924_211653_00014_4ytii, FINISHED, 1 node Splits: 273 total, 273 done (100.00%) 0:05 [10.4K rows, 0B] [1.95K rows/s, 0B/s] presto:wmf> select count(*) from webrequest where year = 2021 and month = 8 and day = 5 and hour = 5; _col0
10405 (1 row) Query 20210924_211703_00015_4ytii, FINISHED, 1 node Splits: 273 total, 273 done (100.00%) 0:02 [10.4K rows, 0B] [4.85K rows/s, 0B/s] presto:wmf> select count(*) from webrequest where year = 2021 and month = 8 and day = 5; _col0
288890 (1 row) Query 20210924_211843_00016_4ytii, FINISHED, 1 node Splits: 6,161 total, 6,161 done (100.00%) 0:47 [289K rows, 0B] [6.1K rows/s, 0B/s] presto:wmf> Connection to an-test-client1001.eqiad.wmnet closed.