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User:Thcipriani/Deployment pipeline/Tutorial

From Wikitech

There are many moving pieces in the deployment pipeline. To better understand how those pieces fit together, let's work through a concrete example.

This example uses the HelloWorldOid repository. HelloWorldOid uses FIGlet and cowsay to say "Hello World!" to folks over HTTP.


Deploy a simple update for HelloWorldOid.


Update helloworldoid

The process of deployment starts with an idea for a change. I feel like HelloWorldOid could use some pop. Some pizzazz. That'll get the VC money to start rolling in, for sure! To that end, I propose we add a date to the output of HelloWorldOid — this way we'll know:

  1. The world is a welcoming place
  2. The world is a welcoming place full of cows
  3. The time at which the world was so welcoming and cow filled

I made the following patchset and submitted a change to gerrit:

From: Tyler Cipriani <tcipriani@wikimedia.org>
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2019 10:20:03 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Add Timestamp to output

To help better preserve the memory of the beautiful moment when the world was greeted and all was well.                                               
 lib/server.js | 4 +++-
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/lib/server.js b/lib/server.js
index 99fecd9..5549430 100644
--- a/lib/server.js
+++ b/lib/server.js
@@ -38,12 +38,14 @@ function serve(message, port = 8001) {
+        var timestamp_text = '\n\nTimestamp: ' + new Date().toISOString();                                                                           
                 text : text,
                 r : true,
-            }));
+            }) + timestamp_text);

After pushing this diff up to Gerrit (because blubber-doc/example/helloworldoid is setup in the integration/config repo to use the service-pipeline) CI builds and runs the image described by the test Blubber variant, and reports the result in Gerrit:

PipelineBot Test Reply

Since all tests pass, I'll vote CR+2 on the patchset and the deployment pipeline will:

  1. Build my production variant
  2. Deploy my production image to an integration environment
  3. Run any integration tests defined by helm test
  4. If my integration tests pass:
    • My production image is pushed to docker-registry.wikimedia.org
    • The pipeline comments on my patch with a pointer to the new image and tags it made:

PipelineBot Gating Reply

Update the deployment chart

Using the information from PipelineBot, I can update the HelloWorldOid to bump the image version in all environments to the new image.

From 0c5eda0f9cd19d5a14526335123a31963d090f91 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tyler Cipriani <tcipriani@wikimedia.org>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2019 15:09:38 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] helloworldoid: bump production image

Change-Id: I0d2e93d983b204534b5e7ba3273ff29c0a026991
 helmfile.d/services/codfw/helloworldoid/values.yaml   | 2 +-
 helmfile.d/services/eqiad/helloworldoid/values.yaml   | 2 +-
 helmfile.d/services/staging/helloworldoid/values.yaml | 2 +-
 3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/helmfile.d/services/codfw/helloworldoid/values.yaml b/helmfile.d/services/codfw/helloworldoid/values.yaml
index bdfc6ed..6bb005f 100644
--- a/helmfile.d/services/codfw/helloworldoid/values.yaml
+++ b/helmfile.d/services/codfw/helloworldoid/values.yaml
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ main_app:
-  version: 2019-07-23-155043-production
+  version: 2019-07-25-125909-production
diff --git a/helmfile.d/services/eqiad/helloworldoid/values.yaml b/helmfile.d/services/eqiad/helloworldoid/values.yaml
index bdfc6ed..6bb005f 100644
--- a/helmfile.d/services/eqiad/helloworldoid/values.yaml
+++ b/helmfile.d/services/eqiad/helloworldoid/values.yaml
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ main_app:
-  version: 2019-07-23-155043-production
+  version: 2019-07-25-125909-production
diff --git a/helmfile.d/services/staging/helloworldoid/values.yaml b/helmfile.d/services/staging/helloworldoid/values.yaml
index eda1542..5e532a4 100644
--- a/helmfile.d/services/staging/helloworldoid/values.yaml
+++ b/helmfile.d/services/staging/helloworldoid/values.yaml
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ main_app:
-  version: 2019-07-23-155043-production
+  version: 2019-07-25-125909-production

After merging this simple change, I'm ready to deploy!

Run a deployment

Deployment is accomplished via helmfile and is a few short commands:

you@your-laptop:~ $ ssh deployment.eqiad.wmnet
you@deploy1001:~ $ cd /srv/deployment-charts/helmfile.d/services/staging/helloworldoid
you@deploy1001:helloworldoid $ source .hfenv 
you@deploy1001:helloworldoid $ helmfile apply

And that's it!


The results speak for themselves: we have a much more satisfying and remarkable user experience with so little effort:

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Timestamp: 2019-07-26T21:24:01.353Z