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User:TCipriani (WMF)/Gerritapi

From Wikitech
  • Ask for a little more time than what you think you'll need for deployment and testing; you never know what issues may come up and slow you down.
    • Generally, we have found one hour to be a good size for most things.
  • Deployment windows are 'pinned' to the time in San Francisco and thus the UTC time will change due to the United States observance of Daylight Savings Time as appropriate.
  • SWAT deploys are for pushing out simple and low-risk changes (as assessed by you, SWAT team, and the Release Manager). They happen at:
    • 06:00, 11:00 and 16:00 Pacific on Mondays and Thursdays
    • 06:00 and 16:00 Pacific on Tuesdays
    • 06:00, 10:00 and 16:00 Pacific on Wednesdays

For detailed instructions on how to actually deploy code to the Wikimedia servers, see How to deploy code.

This page tracks planned deployments of software to the Wikimedia Foundation servers that host the various Wikimedia projects (Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikiversity, Wikimedia Commons, etc.).

The Wikimedia Foundation currently follows a one-week deploy cadence. This means that there is one week between updates to any one Wikimedia project site wiki (excluding urgent fixes, of course).
To schedule a deploy window, or if you see a potential conflict with your upcoming deployment, please e-mail Greg Grossmeier.
Inclusion criteria
See the list at Inclusion criteria for the kinds of changes that require scheduling here.
Long running tasks/scripts
While not strictly a deployment, performing long running (>1 hour) tasks (eg: migration scripts) can encounter issues when code is updated while a script is being run. For this reason it is required to add an entry in the calendar for the task with a window that accounts for the anticipated start time and estimated length for the task.
  • Every major or new feature deployment should be announced on the Wikimedia blog and/or Tech News (use the "user-notice" tag on Phabricator) and/or global on-wiki delivery. For routine and maintenance deployments, listing your change here is enough.
  • Changes that are liable to affect site performance or infrastructure should be announced on the ops mailing list. This includes anything that alters caching behavior, introduces cookies, substantially increases the static asset payload, or adds new and complicated query patterns.
Something went wrong‽ (see also Incident response)


NOTE: You can subscribe to the "WMF Deployments" google calendar by adding <wikimedia.org_rudis09ii2mm5fk4hgdjeh1u64@group.calendar.google.com>. This does not always get one-off windows that are noted below. This wiki page is the canonical deployment schedule and any differences with the google calendar are to be interpreted as the calendar being wrong.

Week of March 11th

By day
Time Component Deployer Changes

Monday, March 11

 UTC #
(Sun)  PDT
Kartik Mistry (kart_) Manual run of unpublished ContentTranslation draft purge script (T217818)
 UTC #
Wikimedia Portals Update Jan Drewniak (jan_drewniak) Weekly window for the portals page: https://www.wikipedia.org/
 UTC #
European Mid-day SWAT
(Max 6 patches)
addshore, Antoine (hashar), Katie (aude), Max (MaxSem), Mukunda (twentyafterfour), Roan (RoanKattouw), Sébastien (Dereckson), Tyler (thcipriani), Niharika (Niharika), or Željko (zeljkof) Jayprakash12345
  • [config] 495446 Enable $wgAllowCopyUploads for pawiki (T217486)

Requesting Developer (irc-nickname)

  • Gerrit link to backport or config change

Gerrit hashtag: swat-2019-03-11-eu

 UTC #
Wikidata Query Service weekly deploy Guillaume (gehel),

Mathew (onimisionipe)

 UTC #
Morning SWAT
(Max 6 patches)
addshore, Antoine (hashar), Katie (aude), Max (MaxSem), Mukunda (twentyafterfour), Roan (RoanKattouw), Sébastien (Dereckson), Tyler (thcipriani), Niharika (Niharika), or Željko (zeljkof) Requesting Developer (irc-nickname)
  • Gerrit link to backport or config change

Gerrit hashtag: swat-2019-03-11-morning

 UTC #
ServicesParsoid / Citoid / Mobileapps / ORES / … C.Scott (cscott), Arlo (arlolra), Subbu (subbu), Bernd (bearND), Aaron (halfak), Amir (Amir1) See mw:Parsoid/Deployments, Mobileapps deployments
 UTC #
Weekly Security deployment window Brian (bawolff), Sam (Reedy) Held deployment window for Security-team related deploys.
 UTC #
Evening SWAT
(Max 6 patches)
addshore, Antoine (hashar), Katie (aude), Max (MaxSem), Mukunda (twentyafterfour), Roan (RoanKattouw), Sébastien (Dereckson), Tyler (thcipriani), Niharika (Niharika), or Željko (zeljkof) Requesting Developer (irc-nickname)
  • Gerrit link to backport or config change

Gerrit hashtag: swat-2019-03-11-evening

Tuesday, March 12

 UTC #
(Mon)  PDT
Kartik Mistry (kart_) Manual run of unpublished ContentTranslation draft purge script (T217818)
 UTC #
European Mid-day SWAT
(Max 6 patches)
addshore, Antoine (hashar), Katie (aude), Max (MaxSem), Mukunda (twentyafterfour), Roan (RoanKattouw), Sébastien (Dereckson), Tyler (thcipriani), Niharika (Niharika), or Željko (zeljkof) Kartik Mistry (kart_)
  • 495842 Add 'campaign' prefix for EG tag

Requesting Developer (irc-nickname)

  • Gerrit link to backport or config change

Gerrit hashtag: swat-2019-03-12-eu

 UTC #
Pre MediaWiki train sanity break No deploys
 UTC #
MediaWiki train - European version Željko (zeljkof) 1.33 schedule
group0 1.33.0-wmf.20>1.33.0-wmf.21
group1 1.33.0-wmf.20
group2 1.33.0-wmf.20
 UTC #
Puppet SWAT
(Max 6 patches)
Filippo (godog), Giuseppe (_joe_) Requesting Developer (irc-nickname)
  • Gerrit link to backport or config change
 UTC #
ServicesGraphoid / Parsoid / Citoid / ORES C.Scott (cscott), Arlo (arlolra), Subbu (subbu), Aaron (halfak), Amir (Amir1) See Graphoid, mw:Parsoid/Deployments
 UTC #
Pre MediaWiki train sanity break No deploys
 UTC #
MediaWiki train - Americas version See the European version

Petr Pchelko (Pchelolo)

  • 495906 [Config] Enable api-request logging into kafka for group0
 UTC #
Evening SWAT
(Max 6 patches)
addshore, Antoine (hashar), Katie (aude), Max (MaxSem), Mukunda (twentyafterfour), Roan (RoanKattouw), Sébastien (Dereckson), Tyler (thcipriani), Niharika (Niharika), or Željko (zeljkof) Stephen Niedzielski (niedzielski)
  • 495907 Fix: undefined locals in SpecialMobileOptions.setJsConfigVars()

Requesting Developer (irc-nickname)

  • Gerrit link to backport or config change

Gerrit hashtag: swat-2019-03-12-evening

Wednesday, March 13

 UTC #
(Tue)  PDT
Kartik Mistry (kart_) Manual run of unpublished ContentTranslation draft purge script (T217818)
 UTC #
European Mid-day SWAT
(Max 6 patches)
addshore, Antoine (hashar), Katie (aude), Max (MaxSem), Mukunda (twentyafterfour), Roan (RoanKattouw), Sébastien (Dereckson), Tyler (thcipriani), Niharika (Niharika), or Željko (zeljkof) Requesting Developer (irc-nickname)
  • Gerrit link to backport or config change

Gerrit hashtag: swat-2019-03-13-eu

 UTC #
Pre MediaWiki train sanity break No deploys
 UTC #
MediaWiki train - European version Željko (zeljkof) 1.33 schedule
group0 1.33.0-wmf.21
group1 1.33.0-wmf.20>1.33.0-wmf.21
group2 1.33.0-wmf.20
 UTC #
Morning SWAT
(Max 6 patches)
addshore, Antoine (hashar), Katie (aude), Max (MaxSem), Mukunda (twentyafterfour), Roan (RoanKattouw), Sébastien (Dereckson), Tyler (thcipriani), Niharika (Niharika), or Željko (zeljkof) Andrew Otto (ottomata)
  • 495399 api-request channel logging event changes (currently only enabled on group0 wikis)

Requesting Developer (irc-nickname)

  • Gerrit link to backport or config change

Gerrit hashtag: swat-2019-03-13-morning

 UTC #
Pre MediaWiki train sanity break No deploys
 UTC #
MediaWiki train - Americas version See the European version
 UTC #
ServicesParsoid / Citoid / Mobileapps / ORES / … C.Scott (cscott), Arlo (arlolra), Subbu (subbu), Bernd (bearND), Aaron (halfak), Amir (Amir1) See mw:Parsoid/Deployments, Mobileapps deployments
 UTC #
Evening SWAT
(Max 6 patches)
addshore, Antoine (hashar), Katie (aude), Max (MaxSem), Mukunda (twentyafterfour), Roan (RoanKattouw), Sébastien (Dereckson), Tyler (thcipriani), Niharika (Niharika), or Željko (zeljkof) Bartosz (MatmaRex)
  • [wmf.21] 496072 [ext/MobileFrontend] mobile.init/editor: Fix animation when visual section editing enabled on mobile only


  • [wmf.21] 496240 Fix hook returns - false breaks results display
  • [config] 496068 Fix builder class definition for WBCS

Requesting Developer (irc-nickname)

  • Gerrit link to backport or config change

Gerrit hashtag: swat-2019-03-13-evening

Thursday, March 14

 UTC #
(Wed)  PDT
Phabricator update Mukunda (twentyafterfour) HOLD: Window to update phabricator.wikimedia.org
 UTC #
(Wed)  PDT
Kartik Mistry (kart_) Manual run of unpublished ContentTranslation draft purge script (T217818)
 UTC #
European Mid-day SWAT
(Max 6 patches)
addshore, Antoine (hashar), Katie (aude), Max (MaxSem), Mukunda (twentyafterfour), Roan (RoanKattouw), Sébastien (Dereckson), Tyler (thcipriani), Niharika (Niharika), or Željko (zeljkof) Kartik Mistry (kart_)
  • 493672 Enable ExternalGuidance to all Wikipedias

Requesting Developer (irc-nickname)

  • Gerrit link to backport or config change

Alaa Sarhan (alaa_wmde)

  • 493011 enable the new wikibase datatype "musical notation"

Gerrit hashtag: swat-2019-03-14-eu

 UTC #
Pre MediaWiki train sanity break No deploys
 UTC #
MediaWiki train - European version Željko (zeljkof) 1.33 schedule
group0 1.33.0-wmf.21
group1 1.33.0-wmf.21
group2 1.33.0-wmf.20->1.33.0-wmf.21
 UTC #
Puppet SWAT
(Max 6 patches)
Filippo (godog), Giuseppe (_joe_) Requesting Developer (irc-nickname)
  • Gerrit link to backport or config change
 UTC #
ServicesGraphoid / Parsoid / Citoid / ORES C.Scott (cscott), Arlo (arlolra), Subbu (subbu), Aaron (halfak), Amir (Amir1) See Graphoid, mw:Parsoid/Deployments
 UTC #
Morning SWAT
(Max 6 patches)
addshore, Antoine (hashar), Katie (aude), Max (MaxSem), Mukunda (twentyafterfour), Roan (RoanKattouw), Sébastien (Dereckson), Tyler (thcipriani), Niharika (Niharika), or Željko (zeljkof) Requesting Developer (irc-nickname)
  • Gerrit link to backport or config change

Gerrit hashtag: swat-2019-03-14-morning

 UTC #
MediaWiki train - Americas version See the European version
 UTC #
Evening SWAT
(Max 6 patches)
addshore, Antoine (hashar), Katie (aude), Max (MaxSem), Mukunda (twentyafterfour), Roan (RoanKattouw), Sébastien (Dereckson), Tyler (thcipriani), Niharika (Niharika), or Željko (zeljkof) Requesting Developer (irc-nickname)
  • Gerrit link to backport or config change

Gerrit hashtag: swat-2019-03-14-evening

Friday, March 15

 UTC #
(Thu)  PDT
Kartik Mistry (kart_) Manual run of unpublished ContentTranslation draft purge script (T217818)

Week of March 18th

  • Week of:
    • nothing yet...
By day
Time Component Deployer Changes

Monday, March 18

 UTC #
Wikimedia Portals Update Jan Drewniak (jan_drewniak) Weekly window for the portals page: https://www.wikipedia.org/
 UTC #
European Mid-day SWAT
(Max 6 patches)
addshore, Antoine (hashar), Katie (aude), Max (MaxSem), Mukunda (twentyafterfour), Roan (RoanKattouw), Sébastien (Dereckson), Tyler (thcipriani), Niharika (Niharika), or Željko (zeljkof) Requesting Developer (irc-nickname)
  • Gerrit link to backport or config change

Gerrit hashtag: swat-2019-03-18-eu

 UTC #
Wikidata Query Service weekly deploy Guillaume (gehel),

Mathew (onimisionipe)

 UTC #
Morning SWAT
(Max 6 patches)
addshore, Antoine (hashar), Katie (aude), Max (MaxSem), Mukunda (twentyafterfour), Roan (RoanKattouw), Sébastien (Dereckson), Tyler (thcipriani), Niharika (Niharika), or Željko (zeljkof) Bahodir (bmansurov)
  • [config] 494551 Enable reader trust survey v2

Requesting Developer (irc-nickname)

  • Gerrit link to backport or config change

Gerrit hashtag: swat-2019-03-18-morning

 UTC #
ServicesParsoid / Citoid / Mobileapps / ORES / … C.Scott (cscott), Arlo (arlolra), Subbu (subbu), Bernd (bearND), Aaron (halfak), Amir (Amir1) See mw:Parsoid/Deployments, Mobileapps deployments
 UTC #
Weekly Security deployment window Brian (bawolff), Sam (Reedy) Held deployment window for Security-team related deploys.
 UTC #
Evening SWAT
(Max 6 patches)
addshore, Antoine (hashar), Katie (aude), Max (MaxSem), Mukunda (twentyafterfour), Roan (RoanKattouw), Sébastien (Dereckson), Tyler (thcipriani), Niharika (Niharika), or Željko (zeljkof) Requesting Developer (irc-nickname)
  • Gerrit link to backport or config change

Gerrit hashtag: swat-2019-03-18-evening

Tuesday, March 19

 UTC #
European Mid-day SWAT
(Max 6 patches)
addshore, Antoine (hashar), Katie (aude), Max (MaxSem), Mukunda (twentyafterfour), Roan (RoanKattouw), Sébastien (Dereckson), Tyler (thcipriani), Niharika (Niharika), or Željko (zeljkof) Requesting Developer (irc-nickname)
  • Gerrit link to backport or config change

Gerrit hashtag: swat-2019-03-19-eu

 UTC #
Pre MediaWiki train sanity break No deploys
 UTC #
MediaWiki train - European version Željko (zeljkof) 1.33 schedule
group0 1.33.0-wmf.21>1.33.0-wmf.22
group1 1.33.0-wmf.21
group2 1.33.0-wmf.21
 UTC #
Puppet SWAT
(Max 6 patches)
Filippo (godog), Giuseppe (_joe_) Requesting Developer (irc-nickname)
  • Gerrit link to backport or config change
 UTC #
ServicesGraphoid / Parsoid / Citoid / ORES C.Scott (cscott), Arlo (arlolra), Subbu (subbu), Aaron (halfak), Amir (Amir1) See Graphoid, mw:Parsoid/Deployments
 UTC #
Pre MediaWiki train sanity break No deploys
 UTC #
MediaWiki train - Americas version See the European version
 UTC #
Evening SWAT
(Max 6 patches)
addshore, Antoine (hashar), Katie (aude), Max (MaxSem), Mukunda (twentyafterfour), Roan (RoanKattouw), Sébastien (Dereckson), Tyler (thcipriani), Niharika (Niharika), or Željko (zeljkof) Requesting Developer (irc-nickname)
  • Gerrit link to backport or config change

Gerrit hashtag: swat-2019-03-19-evening

Wednesday, March 20

 UTC #
European Mid-day SWAT
(Max 6 patches)
addshore, Antoine (hashar), Katie (aude), Max (MaxSem), Mukunda (twentyafterfour), Roan (RoanKattouw), Sébastien (Dereckson), Tyler (thcipriani), Niharika (Niharika), or Željko (zeljkof) Requesting Developer (irc-nickname)
  • Gerrit link to backport or config change

Gerrit hashtag: swat-2019-03-20-eu

 UTC #
Pre MediaWiki train sanity break No deploys
 UTC #
MediaWiki train - European version Željko (zeljkof) 1.33 schedule
group0 1.33.0-wmf.22
group1 1.33.0-wmf.21>1.33.0-wmf.22
group2 1.33.0-wmf.21
 UTC #
Morning SWAT
(Max 6 patches)
addshore, Antoine (hashar), Katie (aude), Max (MaxSem), Mukunda (twentyafterfour), Roan (RoanKattouw), Sébastien (Dereckson), Tyler (thcipriani), Niharika (Niharika), or Željko (zeljkof) Requesting Developer (irc-nickname)
  • Gerrit link to backport or config change

Gerrit hashtag: swat-2019-03-20-morning

 UTC #
Pre MediaWiki train sanity break No deploys
 UTC #
MediaWiki train - Americas version See the European version
 UTC #
ServicesParsoid / Citoid / Mobileapps / ORES / … C.Scott (cscott), Arlo (arlolra), Subbu (subbu), Bernd (bearND), Aaron (halfak), Amir (Amir1) See mw:Parsoid/Deployments, Mobileapps deployments
 UTC #
Evening SWAT
(Max 6 patches)
addshore, Antoine (hashar), Katie (aude), Max (MaxSem), Mukunda (twentyafterfour), Roan (RoanKattouw), Sébastien (Dereckson), Tyler (thcipriani), Niharika (Niharika), or Željko (zeljkof) Requesting Developer (irc-nickname)
  • Gerrit link to backport or config change

Gerrit hashtag: swat-2019-03-20-evening

Thursday, March 21

 UTC #
(Wed)  PDT
Phabricator update Mukunda (twentyafterfour) HOLD: Window to update phabricator.wikimedia.org
 UTC #
European Mid-day SWAT
(Max 6 patches)
addshore, Antoine (hashar), Katie (aude), Max (MaxSem), Mukunda (twentyafterfour), Roan (RoanKattouw), Sébastien (Dereckson), Tyler (thcipriani), Niharika (Niharika), or Željko (zeljkof) Requesting Developer (irc-nickname)
  • Gerrit link to backport or config change

Gerrit hashtag: swat-2019-03-21-eu

 UTC #
Pre MediaWiki train sanity break No deploys
 UTC #
MediaWiki train - European version Željko (zeljkof) 1.33 schedule
group0 1.33.0-wmf.22
group1 1.33.0-wmf.22
group2 1.33.0-wmf.21->1.33.0-wmf.22
 UTC #
Puppet SWAT
(Max 6 patches)
Filippo (godog), Giuseppe (_joe_) Requesting Developer (irc-nickname)
  • Gerrit link to backport or config change
 UTC #
ServicesGraphoid / Parsoid / Citoid / ORES C.Scott (cscott), Arlo (arlolra), Subbu (subbu), Aaron (halfak), Amir (Amir1) See Graphoid, mw:Parsoid/Deployments
 UTC #
Morning SWAT
(Max 6 patches)
addshore, Antoine (hashar), Katie (aude), Max (MaxSem), Mukunda (twentyafterfour), Roan (RoanKattouw), Sébastien (Dereckson), Tyler (thcipriani), Niharika (Niharika), or Željko (zeljkof) Bahodir (bmansurov)
  • [config] 494552 Disable reader trust survey v2

Requesting Developer (irc-nickname)

  • Gerrit link to backport or config change

Gerrit hashtag: swat-2019-03-21-morning

 UTC #
MediaWiki train - Americas version See the European version
 UTC #
Evening SWAT
(Max 6 patches)
addshore, Antoine (hashar), Katie (aude), Max (MaxSem), Mukunda (twentyafterfour), Roan (RoanKattouw), Sébastien (Dereckson), Tyler (thcipriani), Niharika (Niharika), or Željko (zeljkof) Requesting Developer (irc-nickname)
  • Gerrit link to backport or config change

Gerrit hashtag: swat-2019-03-21-evening


Past deployments